84782 packages online
util/misc/DoomGATE08r3.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | DoomGATE 0.8r3beta. Doom Manager, MUIRexx. |
Author: | "Nicholas C. Piper" pcomm inorbit.com |
Uploader: | Nicholas C Piper <pcomm inorbit com> |
Type: | util/misc |
Version: | 0.8r3 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-04-06 |
Requires: | dev/mui/MUIRexx_3_0a.lha |
Replaces: | util/misc/DoomGATE*.lha |
Download: | util/misc/DoomGATE08r3.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/misc/DoomGATE08r3.readme |
Downloads: | 797 |
| Notice |
| ~~~~~~ |
| |
| Look at data/CommandLines.data, you can remove lines you don't want |
| using up screen space & change the 0 to a 1 to set it as a default |
| option. |
| |
| Please at least take a quick look at the docs. I recommend moreHTML |
| for offline HTML viewing. |
| |
| Don't forget to edit /data/DoomPorts.data to tell DoomGATE which |
| Doom Ports you have on your system. The one at the top is default. |
[As there is no other way for me to measure usage of this, please
tell me if you downloaded it -- even if you don't use it much, thanks !]
DoomGATE is my attempt at a complete, helpful Doom Manager for the Amiga.
It can automatically setup the drive buffers that Doom needs, and check
the stack is set at a resonable level. It provides easy access to
all the Doom commandlines, with bubble help if you can't remember
what they all do. The GUI provides simple access to networking,
with a set of radio gadgets for both the number of nodes, and your
node number. Also incororated into the program is a large amount
of information about Doom itself, including a FAQ and a list
of known "Cheats". This will be expanded as more questions and information
is collected. There is also section allowing modification of your .doomrc
file, setting such things as ChatMacro's and volumes, detail levels and
gamma correction.
* Supports ALL possible Command Line options for All Doom versions
* Custom WAD quick Access
* Built in Database of Cheats, FAQ (old...), Info etc. etc.
* .doomrc editing thing with sliders and cycle gadgets and stuff
* Easy networking setup options
* View other DoomGATE uses settings, to check you have the same
before you DeathMatch
* Looks Nice :-)
* Cool Icon by Philip Kaulfuss (phil@boehme.demon.co.uk)
* FREE :-)
* Oh, and a cool installer script :-))
* DEH Popasl Gadget Added.
* Corrected range of sliders in settings. Thanks to John Newman.
* Swapped "High, Low" around in Detail Level settings. Thanks to John Newman.
* Multiple WAD selection via rexxtricks.library listview(), removed
USE button from custom WADS list page.
* If WAD list isn't loaded, but Use Custom Wads is selected,
the WAD list is automatically loaded so that the WAD listview can
collect data from it.
* Tried to make it more obvious that you can edit data/CommandLines.data
to set up your own command lines and default optiolns.
* Looks for .doomrc in your doom directory as set in DoomGATE as well
as $home now.
* Moved two player button to better location.
* Improved GUI workings of Network page.
* Removed texts about the different ports, as it was old anyway.
* Support for configuring multiple doom ports at once.
* Cleaned up a few things :-)
* .doomrc buttons now disable when its a bad time to use them, so
that you can't :-)
* If you select a player number that doesn't exist, the number
of nodes required for you to be that player is now automatically
* Added notices to the effect that icon.mcc seems to be needed
by MUIRexx
LhA Evaluation V1.38 - Copyright (c) 1991,92 Stefan Boberg.
All rights reserved. Not for commercial use.
Listing of archive 'DoomGATE08r3.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1197 695 41.9% 05-Apr-98 14:33:14 Doom.info
933 570 38.9% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +adoom.txt
659 430 34.7% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +amidoom.txt
699 403 42.3% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +amigadoom.txt
683 434 36.4% 30-Jan-98 19:41:24 +author.txt
522 280 46.3% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +cheat.txt
808 443 45.1% 16-Mar-98 17:17:42 +CommandLines.data
380 227 40.2% 07-Feb-98 15:23:42 +conf_ports.txt
351 243 30.7% 04-Apr-98 13:06:20 +credits.txt
760 350 53.9% 08-Feb-98 16:47:16 +DoomPorts.data
2132 1043 51.0% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +faq.txt
8 8 0.0% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +InstallerFX.prefs
19690 12859 34.6% 04-Apr-98 13:22:34 +installgfx.ilbm
451 272 39.6% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +network.txt
2046 1042 49.0% 25-Jan-98 18:09:28 +wads.txt
11238 7255 35.4% 04-Apr-98 13:51:06 +DoomGATE.info
36109 9680 73.1% 04-Apr-98 13:52:20 +DoomGATE.rexx
1197 782 34.6% 04-Apr-98 13:51:06 +DoomGATE_Docs.info
2109 931 55.8% 05-Apr-98 11:58:20 +d_contact.html
2651 1162 56.1% 05-Apr-98 11:58:20 +d_credits.html
2234 1024 54.1% 05-Apr-98 11:58:20 +d_future.html
4036 1930 52.1% 05-Apr-98 11:58:22 +d_history.html
2191 1042 52.4% 05-Apr-98 10:03:08 +D_INDEX.guide
2798 1352 51.6% 05-Apr-98 11:58:20 +D_Index.html
1863 1270 31.8% 25-Jan-98 18:07:04 +D_Index.html.info
3157 1484 52.9% 05-Apr-98 11:58:20 +d_instal.html
4549 2219 51.2% 05-Apr-98 11:58:20 +d_usage.html
3936 3936 0.0% 05-Apr-98 11:58:22 +gatetitle.gif
3568 3568 0.0% 05-Apr-98 11:58:22 +toplinks.gif
7183 2342 67.3% 05-Apr-98 14:28:54 +Install_DoomGATE
1877 1019 45.7% 04-Apr-98 13:51:06 +Install_DoomGATE.info
23132 10747 53.5% 18-Jan-98 21:53:52 +InstallerFX
3772 1660 55.9% 05-Apr-98 12:41:28 +ReadMe. Right now.
1391 506 63.6% 04-Apr-98 13:51:06 +ReadMe. Right now..info
2572 1801 29.9% 18-Jan-98 21:53:52 +WBLoad
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
152882 75009 50.9% 05-Apr-98 14:34:00 35 files
Operation successful.
Contents of util/misc/DoomGATE08r3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 695 1197 58.1% -lh5- 2609 Apr 5 1998 Doom.info
[generic] 570 933 61.1% -lh5- 19a0 Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/adoom.txt
[generic] 430 659 65.3% -lh5- eeff Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/amidoom.txt
[generic] 403 699 57.7% -lh5- f010 Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/amigadoom.txt
[generic] 434 683 63.5% -lh5- 13ec Jan 30 1998 Doom/data/author.txt
[generic] 280 522 53.6% -lh5- 32ce Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/cheat.txt
[generic] 443 808 54.8% -lh5- a2c2 Mar 16 1998 Doom/data/CommandLines.data
[generic] 227 380 59.7% -lh5- 88e4 Feb 7 1998 Doom/data/conf_ports.txt
[generic] 243 351 69.2% -lh5- b3f7 Apr 4 1998 Doom/data/credits.txt
[generic] 350 760 46.1% -lh5- ee88 Feb 8 1998 Doom/data/DoomPorts.data
[generic] 1043 2132 48.9% -lh5- 4958 Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/faq.txt
[generic] 8 8 100.0% -lh0- f909 Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/InstallerFX.prefs
[generic] 12859 19690 65.3% -lh5- 6ddd Apr 4 1998 Doom/data/installgfx.ilbm
[generic] 272 451 60.3% -lh5- 86a9 Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/network.txt
[generic] 1042 2046 50.9% -lh5- c0ce Jan 25 1998 Doom/data/wads.txt
[generic] 7255 11238 64.6% -lh5- 4d50 Apr 4 1998 Doom/DoomGATE.info
[generic] 9680 36109 26.8% -lh5- 309f Apr 4 1998 Doom/DoomGATE.rexx
[generic] 782 1197 65.3% -lh5- afff Apr 4 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs.info
[generic] 931 2109 44.1% -lh5- 07a0 Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/d_contact.html
[generic] 1162 2651 43.8% -lh5- 7254 Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/d_credits.html
[generic] 1024 2234 45.8% -lh5- f1cf Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/d_future.html
[generic] 1930 4036 47.8% -lh5- 91b0 Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/d_history.html
[generic] 1042 2191 47.6% -lh5- 8825 Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/D_INDEX.guide
[generic] 1352 2798 48.3% -lh5- 4dba Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/D_Index.html
[generic] 1270 1863 68.2% -lh5- 8c2e Jan 25 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/D_Index.html.info
[generic] 1484 3157 47.0% -lh5- cade Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/d_instal.html
[generic] 2219 4549 48.8% -lh5- d299 Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/d_usage.html
[generic] 3936 3936 100.0% -lh0- 6513 Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/gfx/gatetitle.gif
[generic] 3568 3568 100.0% -lh0- 751a Apr 5 1998 Doom/DoomGATE_Docs/gfx/toplinks.gif
[generic] 2342 7183 32.6% -lh5- 266a Apr 5 1998 Doom/Install_DoomGATE
[generic] 1019 1877 54.3% -lh5- 9d02 Apr 4 1998 Doom/Install_DoomGATE.info
[generic] 10747 23132 46.5% -lh5- 4594 Jan 18 1998 Doom/InstallerFX
[generic] 1660 3772 44.0% -lh5- 25d3 Apr 5 1998 Doom/ReadMe. Right now.
[generic] 506 1391 36.4% -lh5- a1a0 Apr 4 1998 Doom/ReadMe. Right now..info
[generic] 1801 2572 70.0% -lh5- 7be2 Jan 18 1998 Doom/WBLoad
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 35 files 75009 152882 49.1% Apr 5 1998
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