Sysmon is a system monitoring and enhancing package based on a shared library
and Shell based support commands. It requires AmigaOS 2.04 or higher.
Installation of Richard Körber's Identify.library (util/libs/Identify.lha
on Aminet) is recommanded if you want the Sysmon monitor to be able to
identify expansion boards.
If your Amiga has a MMU (Memory Management Unit), it is also recommanded,
but not required, that you install Thomas Richter's mmu.library, available
from Aminet (util/libs/MMULib.lha).
Some of the features provided by Sysmon are :
- Precise CPU usage timing for all tasks with very low overhead.
- System message logging daemon like UNIX syslogd (useful for debugging).
- Safe System shutdown script (useful for BBS's and networked machines).
- Functions allowing to send/receive systemwide broadcast messages.
- New Alert function (the Guru is back) allowing detailed logging.
- New system functions related to tasks, including an enhanced and bug
fixed task signal exception mechanism.
- Executive compatible SysInfo.library to query tasks CPU usage and
load averages.
Sysmon has been developped and tested on the following configurations :
- A4000T 68060 AGA + CV64/3D (Picasso96), 2 Mb Chip 40 Mb Fast, OS 3.9
1 Gb SCSI HD + 9.5 Gb IDE HD
- A500 68000 ECS, 1 Mb Chip 1.5 Mb Slow 2 Mb Fast , OS 3.1
20 Mb IDE-XT + 50 Mb + 115 Mb SCSI HDs
- A4000 68040 AGA + CV64/3D (CGfx 3), 2 Mb Chip 16 Mb Fast , OS 3.9
250 Mb IDE + 1 Gb + 512Mb + 4Gb SCSI HDs
- A3000 68030/68882 ECS, 2 Mb Chip 16 Mb Fast , OS 3.5
100 Mb + 2 Gb + 4 Gb + 8.6 Gb SCSI HDs
- A500 68040(PP&S) ECS , 1 Mb Chip 2 Mb Fast16 8 Mb Fast32 , OS 2.1
165 Mb SCSI HD
What has not been tested at all is operation on PPC accelerator boards
(I don't have one). The library itself completely ignores the PPC at
present but there is always the possibility that some of the patches made
to exec will be incompatible with the PPC software. Note that the PowerUp
PPC kernel is already considered 'unsupported' as it is not compatible with
Thomas Richter's mmu.library (which will be used more extensively in future
versions of Sysmon). Don't blame me or Thomas about this, we're not
responsible for the lack of information about the PowerUp kernel internals.
On the other hand, any information about the behaviour of this software with
the WarpUp PPC kernel installed will be welcome.
This software is intended for experienced users. In particular, there
are no GUI tools available yet; so if you are a mouse-maniac user that
don't like typing Shell commands or editing ASCII configuration files,
I'm afraid that this software is not for you ;-) .
- 'UnMount ALL' will now ignore ENV: as well as RAM: if mounted as a separate
handler. This allows late shutdown code to access global environment variables
in all cases and also avoids problems with Env-Handlers that have broken
ACTION_DIE support.
- Added FRAGS option to the Sysmon monitor Show Memory command
- Bumped the replacement alert.hook version to 46 to override the not really
new V45 alert.hook in the 3.9 Boing Bag 2 ROM update.
- Internal reboot code now clears the VBR and resets the DTT0 registers if
appropriate like the V45 exec.library.
- Added Show Filesystems command to Sysmon monitor.
- Added the LastGuruLog.rexx ARexx script from Christopher 'WatchDog' Elliott
as contribution.
- Added Unix-like UpTime command.
V1.19 (internal)
- Duh ! The smExitIntr() system stack checking broke SuperState() (or was it
the other way round ?) so SuperState()/UserState() are now replaced to
inform smExitIntr() not to bother about the stack while SuperState() is
in effect.
- Fixed incorrect dump of integer registers for supervisor mode alerts.
V1.18 (internal)
- Sysmon.library now generates an AN_StackProbe alert if the supervisor stack
is invalid in smExitIntr(). This is deactivated by the MACOSKLUDGE option.
- Quantum expirations are now counted and the value of the Exec scheduling
quantum can be set in the configuration file.
- smDispatch() will throw an AN_smInconSchedState alert if a task is found in
the ready queue with an inconsistent state.
- The Sysmon monitor can now display the exception vectors and the system base
- Added a missing Permit() call in the library init routine. It left the
ramlib process in forbidden state but had no adverse effect on the system
as library init routines are run in forbidden state by exec anyways.
- Added the MACOSKLUDGE option as a last effort to support the broken behaviour
of MacOS emulators which call Wait() from supervisor mode. This option will
disable the AN_smSuperTaskSwitch guru for people who really need to emulate
that brain-damaged OS. Updated StartSM and Sysmon.config
- The sysmon.library Alert() replacement will now only dump MMU registers if
mmu.library is available and reports a working MMU.
- The show task command in the Sysmon monitor will now show the tc_MemEntry
- sysmon.library now has support for load averages and voluntary/involuntary
task switches.
- sysmon.library smTaskSwitch routine will now allow switching in master
mode in an attempt to be friendly to ShapeShifter. An AN_smSuperTaskSwitch
guru will still be generated if called in interrupt/supervisor mode.
- SysInfo.library will now report load averages and systemwide CPU Usage
(total, recent and last sec) and task switches (total and recent, both
voluntary and involuntary).
- Corrected a cosmetic bug in CPUTime display routines (ShowSys, Timer,
Sysmon) which could sometimes show 1000 in milliseconds field due to
rounding errors.
- Updated the alert database in AlertDump.
- SetTrapVectors crashed on the 68000 due to bad CPU check code.
First official release of Sysmon V1, revision number not increased since
the library is the same than in 1.15 beta.
- Timer now also uses THOR's 64/32 integer division routine.
- ShowSys now displays the Workbench release number in its banner rather
then the KickStart one, this will distinguish disk only releases like
3.5 (V44) or 2.1 (V38).
- Sysmon monitor got some additional polish in the show memory command.
- Added ExcptTest.c example code to the src directory.