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Short:Xload like, major bugfix, tooltypes
Author: Thomas.Radtke at
Uploader:Thomas Radtke rz uni-osnabrueck de
Download:util/moni/cpuload2.lha - View contents

  This is the successor/replacement of CPULoad 1.0. The following changes
were made:

- message handling changed, bugfix !
- obsolete IRQ server removed
- compiled w/ Aztec C, i.e. no ixemul.library needed
- method of calibration changed
- the doc file of CPULoad is not part of this distribution
- tooltypes for window size and position added
  (Hallo Lars, ich hoffe das ist ok so. Hat ein bischen gedauert. Deine
  EMail hab ich verschludert, darum gabs keine Antwort :( )

  Note1: The calibration (determination of maximum cycles [w/o units]) is now
consistent with all compilers, however, it is not 100 percent exact. I know
the reason why, but it is hard, if not impossible, to correct it. The error
is very small.

  Note2: One (ex I think ;) -user told me this code slows down his hard drive.
I dont have such problems and asked him for his config, but got no reply.
If you want to report things, please never forget to include the most
complete sys description you can get. This is usefull for me to improve
the program.

  Intro: To get the most out of this code, it is a must to understand what
it does. Many people have tried to use this as a toy. Bad fault. The black
vertical bars are used cycles, the white ones are free cycles. This measurement
_is_ exact. If the actual black bar goes from bottom to top of the window,
there are no free cycles left in your system. This means all new tasks or
interrupts will slow down the machine. This is not a problem if the havy
loading task has a low priority and does a busyloop (waiting for something
w/o using OS functions). Check VChess on this. You will see a full load
at input time of VChess. Cycle usages will add in a linear way (You might
have expected that ;). For example, you can measure the used cycles of your
preferred wb-game or mod player and _know_ wheather it will slow down
another application or not. For me, this is the most usefull thing I do
with CPULoad :). This way I have found a few fun programs wich can be run
in the background while doing more serious things with my amiga, e.g.
playing WBTetris (the best fun/cycle_usage ratio !) while computing
lyapunov exponents.

  Requirements: OS2.04 or higher versions if you want to have tooltypes,
but should run on any amiga.

  Usage: Start this either via icon or from shell. It should be detached
from cli-process, i.e. run <nil: >nil: cpuload. The following tooltypes/
arguments exists:

 XPOS         horizontal window offset
 YPOS         vertical window offset
 XSIZE        width of window
 YSIZE        hight of window

Example: run <nil: >nil: cpuload xpos=50 ypos=50 will place the window
@ pos 50,50.

  Technical: CPULoad process does a busy loop at low (-127) priority.
In the loop the machine waits for a break condition and increments a
counter. If no program run at priority of -126 or higher at one cycle,
that cycle is determined as free. Another task at high priority reads this
counter every 1/10 secs (the wait states are OS friendly, i.e. no busy loop)
and computes (with a numerical trick :) the new bar in the graphical CPULoad
history. No floating points are used but also no rounding errors exists.
AFAIK the method of measuring was introduced by Lindsay Meek (check IdleLED),
too bad that this was not my idea ;).

  Legal: This archive is freeware and (C) 1995 Thomas Radtke. Redistribute it
only with this readme file intact and for non-profit reasons. Thank you.

  A final note: Meanwhile a dozent or so programs of this kind were thrown
at aminet or other PD sites. The reason for using this version is that it
is totally transparent. I told you what it does and I delivered the source.
It should be 100% bugfree now and its measuring is exact. Enough reasons ?


P.S.: Look out for julia3 coming soon on aminet, also bugfixed (took a long
time to see what went wrong in my standart message handling). Many other
utils should be finished after first of november, since Im unemployed then :(.

Contents of util/moni/cpuload2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3050    5360  56.9% -lh5- 52a2 Oct  2  1995 cpuload2/bin/cpuload
[generic]                  217     503  43.1% -lh5- 800c Oct  2  1995 cpuload2/bin/
[generic]                 2105    4112  51.2% -lh5- a86b Oct  2  1995 cpuload2/doc/cpuload2.readme
[generic]                 2134    5206  41.0% -lh5- 22da Oct  2  1995 cpuload2/src/cpuload.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         4 files    7506   15181  49.4%            Oct  3  1995
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