Cruncher is a file cruncher which can crunch in a number of different
P-Compress You don't need any special library
installed to be able to use the
P-Compress cruncher.
CrunchMania To be able to crunch files using the
CrunchMania cruncher, you need to have
the CrM.library version 4 or higher
lh.library Cruncher produces files crunched using
the lh.library which are compatible with
the LhEncode and LhDecode programs which
were supplied with the main lh.library
package. This is on Fish Disk 436.
The lh.library is supplied.
PowerPacker To crunch files using the PowerPacker
compressors you will need to have the
powerpacker.library version 35 or
higher installed (supplied).
Any XPK sublibrary You need to have the xpkmaster.library
(supplied) installed in order to be able to
crunch any XPK files. You also need at least
one cruncher library.
I have only used standard compression formats, I haven't dreamed up any
new variations.
Cruncher also has a full ARexx interface.