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A macro for creating calendars in Final Writer v4+ and PageStream v3+, and a
macro for adding events to those calendars. See Histories and Recent Changes
in the <A HREF="">docs</A>
for a summary of changes.
Standard, Hebrew, or Islamic calendars
Over 100 user-definable variables
Same program works with Final Writer & PageStream!
Calendars are fully resizable by changing only the margins
Start and end the calendar on any day of the week (eg, Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday)
Print multiple calendars in the same document (PageStream only)
"Shadowed" days from previous/next months
"Week 6" days at top or bottom of calendar
Increase days across the rows or down the columns
Different background colors for weekends, highlights, special days, and holidays
Julian dates and/or days remaining in the year in a user-configurable location
Sunrise/sunset times (via SunCalc) in a user-configurable location
Sequential week numbers in a user-configurable location
Moon phases (either daily or quarters only) in a user-configurable location
Images/pictures on birthdays, anniversaries, etc (position adjustable)
Include ordinals with birthdays/anniversaries (e.g., "Fred's 5th birthday")
User-defined header and subheader
Double-border around calendar
Shadow boxes around main calendar and mini-calendars
Quote of the day
This day in history
Print a full year on a single page
Any number of columns
Increase months across the rows or down the columns
Increase days across the rows or down the columns
Automatic holidays
Multiple holidays on any day
Easter and Easter-based events can be included
Advent Sundays, with or without images, can be automatically calculated and included
Events based on the Jewish calendar (e.g., Rosh Hashana) can be included
Events based on the Islamic calendar (e.g., Ramadan) can be included
Single-day events
Periodic events
Image "events"
Classify events as Normal, Special, or Holiday
Multi-day/week events
Multiple-line events
Repeated weekly/biweekly events
Repeated monthly events
End-of-month events
Events with weekend-exceptions
Boxed events
Pre-defined event data files
Undo capable
Fully localized, including measurements
Full control over colors and fonts
Separate preferences for various calendars
Separate translation files
Launch a program or macro after the calendar is done
Full-featured variable editor
Highlight editor
Y2K compliant!
Can print any month (including pre-1978 and post-2099)
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