84782 packages online
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Short: | Make ed use ctrlX for delete and more |
Author: | "Chris Eburn" ceburn midcoast.com.au |
Uploader: | Chris Eburn <ceburn midcoast com au> |
Type: | util/rexx |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-07-15 |
Download: | util/rexx/NewEd.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/rexx/NewEd.readme |
Downloads: | 525 |
This program is public domain and I accept no resposibility for
its suitability, reliability or fuctionality on any computer.
WARNING: This script HAS NOT been BETA tested and should possibly be
used with some care. It is released in good will and does work for me, please
let me know if you like it (or otherwise). Should you decide to use or change
code please let me have a copy as a good idea is worth using twice :)
Long Live The Amiga!
Cheers Christopher <ceburn@midcoast.com.au>
This package is an abriviated set of scripts I use with Ed 2.00 to make
it my favorite editor.
More logical control keys
Unlimited cut and paste
Search and replace
Include common code fragments
To upper/lower
Spell check
Save with s bit set
And bits ive forgotten
I first use ed_patcher.rexx to reasign a few keys internally (ctrlX for delete
line and others) then use the ed-startup file to use rexx scripts for clip and paste,
include files and search/replace functions.
SOME OF THE REXX FILES REQUIRE rexxtricks.library AND/OR rexxreqtools.library
--- Most do not ---
The spell checker uses AZspell
This package is really aimed at people who are using rexx and want some
new ideas to hack into. There is NO INSTALLER script and it may not be so
easy for a non-Rexx user to use. But try anyway; copy the package directories to
their name sake location (ie rexx to rexx:, env to env:, envarc to envarc:
and s to s:)
One word of caution: this will overwrite your s:shell-startup and
envarc:editor files, maybe you want to just check these file first.
Below is the patcher header and a summary of key assignments all of which
should be read in conjunction with the DOS manuals.
The patch program is the tricky bit. Place a copy of Ed into ram: then
"rx ed-patcher.rexx" that is all. A new editor called Edi will be produced
in ram: which should then be copied onto your search path (ie c:). Feel
free to edit anything to suit you use better -- its a hack exercise rather
than the answer to everything.
* Patch Ed to use ^X as delete (rather then ^B) and a few other changes :)
* This script was based on Ed v37.11 released with WB 3.1
* I believe this was unaltered from WB 2.1
* These are the original function definitions: + functions changed in Edi
SF^@'BS';SF^A'A //';SF^B'D';SF^C'' + ^@ ^A ^B
SF^L'';SF^M'S';SF^N'';SF^O'DW' + ^O
SF^T'WN';SF^U'PU';SF^V'VW';SF^W'' + ^U ^W
SF^X'';SF^Y'EL';SF^Z'';SF^['CM' + ^X
* refer to the ADOS or WorkBench manuals for Ed infomation
* NB: Edi uses S:Startup-Ed (NOT S:Ed-Startup)
* IMPORTANT: if you decide to edit the new definitions
* + the total number of bytes must be unchanged
* + the format of 4 definitions per line, seperated by ';' and
* 9 lines (seperated by '00'x, must be unchanged)
* + the guru is watching and the script only tests for the obvious
* + the rule is; if in doubt, give it a go !
* + USE WITH CARE ON A _COPY_ OF ED (not that this really matters :)
*** *** New Ed Reference Card *** ***
This list of New_Ed functions should be read in conjunction with the
Amiga DOS reference manual chapter on ED. This is NOT a complete
reference of all the internal functions and key sequences, it is an
overview of the functions (and REXX script names) available in the
/****** ****** ******/
Save +s (ScriptSave.rexx)
Save As
Print (Print.rexx)
Exit +s (ScriptSave.rexx EXIT)
History View (History.rexx)
History Clear (History.rexx CLEAR)
Rot-13 (Rot13.rexx)
Standard Libraries (StdLibs.rexx)
All Libraries (AllLibs.rexx)
DirFileEx (DirFileExt.rexx)
Filename (Filename.rexx)
FontStyle (FontStyles.rexx)
Port (Port.rexx)
/****** ****** ******/
Function Keys
F1 Join Lines
F2 Move to Next Line
F3 Exit (with save)
F4 Save
F5 Lower (ToLower.rexx LOWER)
F1 Include File
F2 Search (and replace) (SrchRpl.rexx)
F3 Quit
F4 Save +s
F5 Upper (ToLower.rexx UPPER)
/****** ****** ******/
Control Keys
A Insert Line * (* ED internal functions : see ED manual)
C Copy Line (Clips.rexx COPY)
D Down Page *
E End/Start Page *
F Flip Case *
H Delete Char left *
I Next Tab *
K Backwards Find Word (ToLower.rexx BFIND)
L Forward Find Word (ToLower.rexx FIND)
M Split Lines (Return) *
N Search Replace Next (SrchRpl.rexx NEXT)
R Word Previous *
T Word Next *
U Up Page *
V Paste Line (UnClip.rexx)
W Delete to next word *
X Cut Line (Clips.rexx)
Y Yank to eol *
@ Run as REXX (Rx.rexx)
[ escape to extended mode * (* ED internal functions : see ED manual)
/****** ****** ******/
Contents of util/rexx/NewEd.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 254 628 40.4% -lh5- 3d73 Jul 2 1998 NewEd.info
[generic] 1299 3231 40.2% -lh5- 28e4 Sep 28 1997 NewEd/ed-patcher.rexx
[generic] 228 658 34.7% -lh5- 1ed5 Sep 24 1997 NewEd/Ed.sf
[generic] 42 42 100.0% -lh0- f91c Sep 24 1997 NewEd/Env/editor
[generic] 42 42 100.0% -lh0- f91c Sep 24 1997 NewEd/Envarc/editor
[generic] 2737 6633 41.3% -lh5- 7687 Jul 2 1998 NewEd/NewEd.readme
[generic] 225 464 48.5% -lh5- 351d Jul 2 1998 NewEd/NewEd.readme.info
[generic] 941 2703 34.8% -lh5- 7674 Sep 28 1997 NewEd/NewEd.ref
[generic] 213 360 59.2% -lh5- bbe8 Feb 3 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/Clips.rexx
[generic] 642 1432 44.8% -lh5- fe62 Sep 25 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/History.rexx
[generic] 101 128 78.9% -lh5- dc2a Sep 24 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/Print.rexx
[generic] 192 243 79.0% -lh5- 5cd9 Jan 30 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/Rot13.rexx
[generic] 87 104 83.7% -lh5- 1cdd Jan 19 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/Rx.rexx
[generic] 143 197 72.6% -lh5- 9cca Feb 22 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/ScriptSave.rexx
[generic] 403 833 48.4% -lh5- 1bba Sep 20 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/SrchRpl.rexx
[generic] 691 1340 51.6% -lh5- f550 Sep 25 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/ToLower.rexx
[generic] 236 416 56.7% -lh5- b44e Sep 25 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Ed/UnClip.rexx
[generic] 1352 3254 41.5% -lh5- b934 Sep 1 1997 NewEd/Rexx/HTML.rexx
[generic] 145 568 25.5% -lh5- f057 Jul 28 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Includes/AllLibs.rexx
[generic] 148 212 69.8% -lh5- 8fec Jul 28 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Includes/DirFileExt.rexx
[generic] 126 174 72.4% -lh5- c299 Jul 28 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Includes/Filename.rexx
[generic] 105 185 56.8% -lh5- 9c7d Sep 25 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Includes/FontStyles.rexx
[generic] 460 866 53.1% -lh5- 4470 Jul 28 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Includes/Port.rexx
[generic] 68 127 53.5% -lh5- eebd Jun 29 1997 NewEd/Rexx/Includes/StdLibs.rexx
[generic] 1024 2350 43.6% -lh5- 2fb0 Sep 2 1997 NewEd/Rexx/MVedit.rexx
[generic] 559 1497 37.3% -lh5- 0a5a Sep 28 1997 NewEd/S/Ed-Startup
[generic] 104 174 59.8% -lh5- 16ea Jul 2 1998 NewEd/S/Shell-startup
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 12567 28861 43.5% Jul 14 1998
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