MuControl(MuForce control/notify/logger script) v0.3
by megacz( in 2006, (27-10-06)
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$ Intro
- -----
Crash, hang, program deadlock?
* Arrgghhh! Yes!
Well, now You can see at least(in very comfortable manner) what
caused the exception, alert or has had accessed memory illegaly.
* How, dammit how?
By viewing the logfile that is accessible all the time
during runtime or by jumping to the additional console
or by being notfified thru pretty and small popup windows.
* I want details!
MuControl is an ARexx script that utilizes these things:
-(+) ARexx - a must have, no ARexx no fun!
-(+) MuForce - with this we detect "weird" things
-(+) FIFO: - makes MuForce output routable
-(-) Gui4Cli - gives popup windows on the Workbench
-(-) RexxEvent - allows to use keyboard from ARexx
-(-) Clihandler - this will give us extra console
-(-) ilbm.datatype - will take care of gfx in windows
+ required
- optional
$ History
- -------
26-Oct-05 v0.1 - First CLI version, very manual
29-Jul-06 v0.2 - Written in ARexx, semi-automatic,
requires external files to work
27-Oct-06 v0.3 - Rewritten, full-auto plus some
new features |