Ameko is an Amiga conversion of a program called Neko which was written by
Dara T. Khani to run under Windows on PCs. The idea for Ameko was inspired by
Dara's Neko program, however the code and Amiga implementation of Ameko are
my own work.
When the program is run, a small kitten called Ameko runs around within
the confines of the program's window, chasing the mouse pointer. If Ameko
reaches the edge of the window and the mouse pointer is outside the window
boundaries then Ameko will scratch at the window border in a vain attempt
to get at the mouse pointer.
If there is no mouse movement within a predetermined length of time, then
Ameko starts to fall asleep, eventually curling up and entering the land
of nod. If the mouse is then moved, Ameko is startled and wakes up. Once the
haze has cleared from in front of his eyes, he is off again, chasing the
mouse pointer.