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Short: | ExtMan V1.20 Now with preset support!! |
Author: | amrtn freenet.hut.fi (Alain Martini) |
Uploader: | amrtn freenet hut fi (Alain Martini) |
Type: | util/wb |
Version: | 1.20 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-09-20 |
Requires: | Kickstart 2.0 or better |
Download: | util/wb/ExtMan.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/ExtMan.readme |
Downloads: | 699 |
Look at my Homepage if you are interested on my projects.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Listing of archive 'ExtMan.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1253 741 40.8% 18-Sep-97 10:27:56 ExtMan.info
752 452 39.8% 18-Sep-97 10:02:56 +Credits
1871 1412 24.5% 18-Sep-97 09:54:22 +Credits.info
1238 719 41.9% 25-Jul-97 15:00:20 +Brushes.info
1226 652 46.8% 26-Feb-97 11:50:04 +extman.dock
5432 1413 73.9% 24-Apr-97 18:36:20 +extman.dock.info
1871 1408 24.7% 25-Jul-97 15:00:20 +Credits.info
1238 818 33.9% 25-Jul-97 15:00:20 +Documents.info
602 278 53.8% 25-Jul-97 14:52:56 +ExtMan.bug
1763 1376 21.9% 24-Apr-97 18:59:12 +ExtMan.bug.info
3573 1794 49.7% 16-Sep-97 16:59:10 +ExtMan.eng
1816 1367 24.7% 16-Sep-97 17:14:30 +ExtMan.eng.info
3863 1960 49.2% 16-Sep-97 16:58:32 +ExtMan.ita
1816 1341 26.1% 16-Sep-97 17:14:30 +ExtMan.ita.info
85100 29361 65.4% 17-Sep-97 22:55:00 +ExtMan
1694 887 47.6% 18-Sep-97 09:53:22 +ExtMan.info
1768 1341 24.1% 18-Sep-97 09:52:28 +Extman_1.20.info
86252 14760 82.8% 18-Sep-97 09:34:58 +ExtManGUI.wizard
1574 816 48.1% 25-Jul-97 15:00:20 +Locale.info
121 95 21.4% 24-Apr-97 18:23:48 +Catalog.readme
1396 724 48.1% 24-Apr-97 18:36:10 +Catalog.readme.info
13759 3308 75.9% 16-Sep-97 16:07:40 +ExtManGUI.cd
155 129 16.7% 16-Sep-97 16:40:54 +CyberGraphXV2
1238 762 38.4% 25-Jul-97 15:00:20 +Sounds.info
66942 47573 28.9% 11-Feb-91 21:52:02 +DIAGCOMP.SND
1590 853 46.3% 24-Apr-97 18:41:44 +DIAGCOMP.SND.info
26680 19535 26.7% 04-Apr-93 15:49:16 +ENTRE.SND
1590 852 46.4% 24-Apr-97 18:41:46 +ENTRE.SND.info
4365 1707 60.8% 18-Sep-97 09:38:22 +Extman_1.20
1768 1343 24.0% 18-Sep-97 09:54:22 +Extman_1.20.info
4687 1142 75.6% 18-Sep-97 09:51:30 +Install_ExtMan
1239 522 57.8% 18-Sep-97 10:03:58 +Install_ExtMan.info
284220 88543 68.8% 12-May-97 09:55:30 +wizard.library
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
614452 229984 62.5% 18-Sep-97 10:42:26 33 files
Operation successful.
Contents of util/wb/ExtMan.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 741 1253 59.1% -lh5- ca2d Sep 18 1997 ExtMan.info
[generic] 452 752 60.1% -lh5- 1191 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Credits
[generic] 1412 1871 75.5% -lh5- 95c2 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Credits.info
[generic] 719 1238 58.1% -lh5- 02cf Jul 25 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Brushes.info
[generic] 652 1226 53.2% -lh5- a1e6 Feb 26 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Brushes/extman.dock
[generic] 1413 5432 26.0% -lh5- 8c95 Apr 24 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Brushes/extman.dock.info
[generic] 1408 1871 75.3% -lh5- 65b3 Jul 25 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Credits.info
[generic] 818 1238 66.1% -lh5- 0d17 Jul 25 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents.info
[generic] 278 602 46.2% -lh5- 7964 Jul 25 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents/ExtMan.bug
[generic] 1376 1763 78.0% -lh5- 84a0 Apr 24 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents/ExtMan.bug.info
[generic] 1794 3573 50.2% -lh5- dd49 Sep 16 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents/ExtMan.eng
[generic] 1367 1816 75.3% -lh5- eca0 Sep 16 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents/ExtMan.eng.info
[generic] 1960 3863 50.7% -lh5- 978e Sep 16 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents/ExtMan.ita
[generic] 1341 1816 73.8% -lh5- 65c3 Sep 16 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Documents/ExtMan.ita.info
[generic] 29361 85100 34.5% -lh5- 99bb Sep 17 1997 ExtMan/Extman/ExtMan
[generic] 887 1694 52.4% -lh5- 0f33 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Extman/ExtMan.info
[generic] 1341 1768 75.8% -lh5- 22f1 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Extman_1.20.info
[generic] 14760 86252 17.1% -lh5- 7d45 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Extman/ExtManGUI.wizard
[generic] 816 1574 51.8% -lh5- e536 Jul 25 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Locale.info
[generic] 95 121 78.5% -lh5- df09 Apr 24 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Locale/Catalog.readme
[generic] 724 1396 51.9% -lh5- 822f Apr 24 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Locale/Catalog.readme.info
[generic] 3308 13759 24.0% -lh5- 233a Sep 16 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Locale/ExtManGUI.cd
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Presets/
[generic] 762 1238 61.6% -lh5- 81d2 Jul 25 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Sounds.info
[generic] 47573 66942 71.1% -lh5- 34b5 Feb 11 1991 ExtMan/Extman/Sounds/DIAGCOMP.SND
[generic] 853 1590 53.6% -lh5- e76b Apr 24 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Sounds/DIAGCOMP.SND.info
[generic] 19535 26680 73.2% -lh5- 6be6 Apr 4 1993 ExtMan/Extman/Sounds/ENTRE.SND
[generic] 852 1590 53.6% -lh5- 4f3b Apr 24 1997 ExtMan/Extman/Sounds/ENTRE.SND.info
[generic] 1707 4365 39.1% -lh5- 2f7d Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Extman_1.20
[generic] 1343 1768 76.0% -lh5- 8843 Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Extman_1.20.info
[generic] 1139 4682 24.3% -lh5- 3d0e Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Install_ExtMan
[generic] 522 1239 42.1% -lh5- ce4b Sep 18 1997 ExtMan/Install_ExtMan.info
[generic] 88543 284220 31.2% -lh5- 037e May 12 1997 ExtMan/Libs/wizard.library
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 33 files 229852 614292 37.4% Sep 20 1997
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