Enables you to reorganise files and directories into virtual directories
or 'Groups'. Groups and their contents are displayed to the user in a file
manager style lister. Files can be accessed using the mouse and user-defined
actions can be assigned to different filetypes.
Items within a particular Group can be physically stored absolutely anywhere
(e.g. hard-disk, cd-rom, floppy etc.) yet they appear as if they all belong
to the same directory. If you have a hard-drive and/or a large collection of
cd's or floppies, Formation works like a an interactive disk catalogue
allowing easy cross-referencing of files by theme.
Formation provides a sophisticated search engine which includes filters for
text strings, dates and filetypes. The results of each search can be saved
to a Formation Group, copied to a new drawer or archived.
SINCE V1.1. ... DIRECTORY CACHING option for seamless browsing of removable media!
NEW FOR V1.3. ...
* Added Drag and Drop support:
Files and directories can now be dropped directly into a 'Group' from
Workbench or DOpus.
'Hide' mode now uses an AppIcon instead of the old title bar. This means
that if (for some strange reason ;-{ ) you prefer to use Opus listers to
navigate through your directories you can still take advantage of Formation's
comprehensive filetype handling (as defined in Action Prefs) by just dropping
a file on to the icon. Doing so will bring up the Actions requester.
* GUI now sports 'cool-look' icon gadgets.
String gadgets now respond instantly to input (no need to hit RETURN)
and interact in real-time with listers (still using GadTools !).
* I have changed the Formation font (FormFont) to a smaller pitch. It also now
colour. This only affects the icons that appear in the lister and the select
file/path gadgets. I think it looks nice and aids readability.
* File size and date information now appears in the main lister when in Browser
mode or when a directory contained within a Group is selected.
* Various minor bug-fixes and modifications.
THIS PROGRAM IS SHARWARE. The registration fee is now only 5 UKP (was 10 UKP).
I have reduced the fee due to the extremely poor response I have had since I
released Formation. Don't be deterred if you find bugs - let me know when you
send your payment and I will do my best to fix them before I send out your copy.
Please also visit the Formation homepage at ...