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Short: | NEW! Transparent default icons on hi/true color WBs (68K and PPC MorphOS) |
Author: | uni-dea jumpy.it (Elena - www.elena-fractals.it) |
Uploader: | uni-dea jumpy it (Elena - www elena-fractals it) |
Type: | util/wb |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos,ppc-morphos |
Date: | 2003-04-29 |
Requires: | AmigaOS 3.5, hi/true color Workbench (MorphOS for the PPC version) |
Download: | util/wb/Ghosty.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/Ghosty.readme |
Downloads: | 915 |
Since years I've been desiring my Workbench being able to display default icons
(i.e the icons shown when no real .info file exists) with transparency: it would
have been nice introducing such a feature, both aesthetically and for the user,
who could visually understand more clearly which icons are "real" and wich ones
not. So I found out the time to write Ghosty, hoping it may make happy other
amigans too :-)
AmigaOS 3.5 (needs icon.library v44+ Ghosty applies a patch to DrawIconState() )
An Hi/True Color Workbench runing on a CGX/P96 compatible GFX card
A fast CPU to avoid scattering icon scrolling (Amithlon or MorphOS recommended)
Simply copy Ghosty with its icon (please don't call me "dark" :-b) in your
WBStartup drawer. Make sure that the button "Wait until finished" in your
WB Information requester is off.
If you're using a 68K amiga or (better!) Amithlon, copy the 68K version. If you
have MorphOS installed (goood!) please copy the PPC one which is really faster!
Note: the PPC version requires MorphOS, it is NOT intended for usage under other
PPC kernels like WarpOS or PowerUP, your system will surely crash otherwise.
The PPC version is mainly useful to those (few) people who use the original Amiga
Workbench under MorphOS emulation, mainly on PPC Amigas. Ghosty PPC DOESN'T work
properly with Ambient, since Ambient uses its own internal icon mechanism.
I provided the PPC version because it's really much faster than the 68K one, and
actually I'm using my Workbench under MorphOS emulation on my Pegasos but... I
know, I'm crazy (crazy but happy :-b)
Very little to know about. Actually there're three tooltypes:
where x ranges from 0 to 100 and means how much transparency will be
applied to the icons. 0 means you won't see anything, 100 means you'll
get no transparency. Good choices range from about 30 to 50, depending
on the choosen icon text color, background pattern, etc. (defaults to 50)
means you don't want the transparency applied to icon labels, only to the icon
itself (default is ghosting the text too)
suppress copyright notices at startup time
Ghosty is mainly intended to be launched from WBStartup drawer, but if
you like you may place it at the end of your startup sequence.
The synthax to launch Ghosty from the command line is
Ghosty is PetitionWare !
If you like it and use it, please write a request to Stephan Rupprecht asking
him to send me the sources of DefIcons, underlining that I won't spread them
in any way and I need them for personal purposes only.
The matter is: I LOVE DefIcons, I can't live without. Unfortunately, here with
Pegasos/MorphOS it often crashes :-(
I'm sure that's not a DefIcons bug, rather a MorphOS one. But without the
source code I cannot reproduce it and help MorphOS authors to fix it! I wrote
kindly to Stephan asking that, but he answered he can't.
Please send any bugs or suggestions, if any, to Elena:
or visit my homepage
Ghosty is © Elena Novaretti 2003
Contents of util/wb/Ghosty.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1852 3608 51.3% -lh6- ab0a Apr 28 2003 Ghosty/Ghosty.readme
[generic] 1651 4789 34.5% -lh6- 0415 Apr 28 2003 Ghosty/Ghosty.readme.info
[generic] 5763 9280 62.1% -lh6- 4aa9 Apr 28 2003 Ghosty/Ghosty68K
[generic] 2329 2497 93.3% -lh6- 6db9 Apr 28 2003 Ghosty/Ghosty68K.info
[generic] 9590 26124 36.7% -lh6- 87b0 Apr 28 2003 Ghosty/GhostyMOS
[generic] 5997 8521 70.4% -lh6- d067 Apr 28 2003 Ghosty/GhostyMOS.info
[generic] 352 511 68.9% -lh6- 1f44 Apr 28 2003 Ghosty.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 27534 55330 49.8% Apr 28 2003
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