GlobalTrash is a trashcan-system that offers a global trashcan, undelete-
ability (remembers the origin), GUI and device-specific commands (e.g.
eject-support) via external AmigaDOS commands.
It comes with catalogs, guides and installer-scripts in different
languages and it's FREE (but a registration after 30 days is required).
And here are the highlights:
- One appicon for all volumes on the workbench.
- Fontsensitive and appealing GUI.
- Access to a global trashcan with the contents of all trashcan-
directories on all volumes.
- Ability to access a single trashcan-directory on a volume.
- Automatically delete files older than a specific amount of days.
- You can use the trashcan for the backups of your programms (like
GoldED, PageStream,...). You will always have access to your older
documents and you can be sure that they will be deleted if they are
too old.
- Ability to start an AmigaDOS-Command for every volume (to eject your
ZIP-Disks for example).
- Different requesters with various options for interaction.
- Usage in combination with DirectoryOpus (or other programms) possible.
The nedded external programm 'GlobalTrashClient is now included.
- Progress-bar.
- Correct processing of the same filenames in the same trashcan-
directory (no overwriting of existent files in a trashcan directory).
- Ability to restore a file in his original path with his original
- GUI shows a file-tree for directories. Ability to browse within this
tree and to process (restore, delete) files from within.
- Recognition of files which are not moved by GlobalTrash into the
trashcan directory (without the origin); for example a backup-file
from GoldED.
- Ability to restore files over multiple volumes.
- Correct processing of the iconfiles (#?.info).
- and many many more.
The history since last aminet-release:
Version 1.4 (24/5/99) - 56,800 / 24,904 (Prefs) / 5,024 (Client) Byte
- 'Display'-action may start a definable Shell-program now.
- Single volumes can be disabled for GlobalTrash now.
- 'Display'-feature implemented (currently 'SYS:Utilities/MultiView').
- New filetype: Sound.
- Loadable filetype-images.
- The Client supports all valid AmigaOS-wildcards (Client).
- Rendering of the listview optimized.
- The icon is now processed last when deletin/moving files.
- Enhanced deletion-speed when selecting 'Enpty this trash'.
- Optimized refresh: on real size-changes only.
- Under certain circumstances a "Division by zero"-exception occured.
- Parameter-parsing of the Client (spaces within the filename).
- Display-error while using some fonts the listview fixed.
- Bug forced by negative kerning of some fonts fixed.
- Error while moving a directory over volume-bounds.
- The icon is freed now after it was deleted/moved.
- Error with the usage of the 'Select all'-, 'Deselect all'- and
'Toggle'-menuentries for the global trashcan.
- Error with the sorting.
Sixth aminet-release!