Short:        Star Trek NCC-1701-A object for Lightwave
Author:       Michael Barnes
Uploader:     mbarnes dragon achilles net
Type:         pix/3dobj
Requires:     Lightwave 3.5(?) and tons of memory.
Architecture: generic

After buying Lightwave 3.5 for the Amiga I decided to convert my
Imagine Enterprise object to Lightwave.  I completely rebuilt the
secondary hull and the warp engines.  It is still rough around the
edges but I think it looks good.  Included in this archive is the
main object and the required brush, along with a scene of the Enterprise
firing at a hidden target.
If you use this object in any of your animations please give me
credit for the object.  Otherwise you are free to use it as you want.
Please e-mail me and let me know what you think of it.

Michael Barnes