Short:        raytrace anim Amiga+BoingBall (QT-Mov)
Author: (Frank Brandis)
Uploader:     F Brandis GMX net (Frank Brandis)
Type:         pix/anim
Architecture: generic

"AMIGA" - text (glass)  rotates around a "Boing-Ball",

100frames at 800*600 (25 fps)

This is a nice raytracing animation i`ve done with the
great Cinema4Dv4PRO, from german AMIGAPLUS magazine CDROM.

Machine used:   WinUAE  :-(
                040 emulated
                some RAM

Rendering time: more than 24 hours !!! (all frames)
Settings:       Lensflares An/Spiegelung, Brechung Alle
                AAlias Kante+Farbe 3*3

Animation build with GraphicConverter (Mac QuickTime Movie)