Short: Demo Animation for Magic Lantern 1.5 (see readme)

 Magic Lantern 1.5 Adds EGS, Spectrum, Stereo and More
Architecture: generic

   This is one of a series of animations created with Magic Lantern 1.5.
 There are versions for the following displays:  Retina, Picasso II, EGS,
 Spectrum, Opalvision, HAM6 and HAM8 (AGA).  Most of the frame buffer 
 versions use a 640 by 480 resolution in 8 bit color, except for the 
 windowed EGS version in 8 bit, and the Opalvision version (640 by 200 in 
 15 bit).  The HAM6 version is 320 by 400; the HAM8 version is 640 by 400.
   If it weren't for the file sizes we would have liked to have distri-
 buted the 16 bit version; this played back on the frame buffers quite
 well, but file sizes were larger.
   You should download only a version for your own display.  A Picasso
 demo, for example, will not run on a non-Picasso display.
 Here's what it's all about:
 Terra Nova Development of Ventura, California has released an important
 revision of its popular 24 bit animation program, Magic Lantern.
 Magic Lantern is a versatile animation compressor which reads IFF files,
 assembling them into animations for a variety of displays with compres-
 sion options that allow users to optimize an animation for fast playback
 or small file size, with several settings in between.

   Version 1.5 of Magic Lantern adds support for the EGS retargetable
 graphics system, giving users the ability to create windowed animations
 in 8, 16 and 24 bits of color.  Additionally the program now supports
 GVP's Spectrum card for full screen animations in 8, 16 and 24 bits of
   Magic Lantern will now add stereo sound samples to animations; other
 enhancements to the software include faster double buffering under
 Workbench 3.x, a streamlined user interface, and the ability to add a
 defined  range of frames to an animation - making it a simple matter to
 create an animation using every second or third picture in a directory.
 With this update Magic Lantern now supports realtime animation on native
 Amiga displays and Retina, Picasso II, Opalvision, GDA, EGS and Spectrum
 displays as well.
   Further information is included in the archive.