Short: TRSI logo by FReaK Author: freak@eunet.yu Uploader: freak eunet yu Type: pix/art Architecture: generic U can't kill the scene... neither the spirit among us... fuck the bombs ! support the scene! (FReaK from Belgrade.yugoslavia) = = .:............ :. : :.. ____ : ___ : _l \\_ ___ ___ _____\\_ \_ _ ____ n7v! /_ (_____/-l _ \_ _( _ \_ __ /--( / / | ______ /_ _/--/_ /___/-- ___ l _ /_ /----! [ ------- l____! - l__| ___ l |- `----l__| | --- ] l______) `------' l_______) : . freak . . .. ......:.:.. . : :.:...........:. : = = fREAK! of MaD_ViRGiN HiTS Ya WiTH aNoTHeR STiNKY ReLeaSe a LoGo: ' T R S I ' YeaH aNoTHeR BuLLSHiT PiCTuRe/PiXeL oR WHaT eVeR You CaN CaLLeD iT... FRoM a STiNKy So CaLLeD aRTiST NaMeD FReaK/Mad!ViRGiN... WHaT THiS PiCTuRe SaY... WeLL it's an logo for one of the famous AMiGA groups... why ยก done it... because i remembered the story about Zinko and freak... i don't know... it just felt on my mind... ... iT WaS iNSPiRaTioN aT YoU CaN GueSS oNe STiNKY NiGHT BuT THiS TiMe No aLCoHoL JuST PuRe RaP MuSiC!!!!!!!! Maybe sometime they'll use it... (just let me know via email) If you want to contact this silly head try on freak@eunet.yu That's all for now! cu U soon with another r3l3@$3! -------- .NFO ------------------------------------------------------- Name : fr-trsi.ham8 (TRSi logo) Resolution : 640x400 ham8 Hardware : Amiga 1200 / Blizzard1230/50mhz/16mb / HDD 2.1gb / 15"DTK O:) HELP from : vodka, rap... SW : PPaint! contact : freak@eunet.yu -------- .NFO ------------------------------------------------------- GReeTZ GoeS To : cP!, drn!, spot, h7... n0pe_dope (iLKe), CoRRoSioN members, JUiCe members, iNDUSTRY members, TEG! members, MindEscape... norge, radavi, dixy, fate, SCuDY, fletch, noah, kuku-lele, mr_W, nVM members, teorist, Solim, CHETNIK, Zheljko, and all others peopleZ on the scene...!!! use this link to find fREAK's PiXeL's sorry 4 my bAd english!!! fREAK! oVER&oUT! - _______________________ - - - //// ____/ L ___/ \_ / _/\ of MaD!ViRGiN /\ /// __/ _) / __/ /\ / /_/\\/ 7( http://SOLAIR.EUNet.yu/~freak/ // /\/ __/ 7 _\/7~/ (_/~ ANoTHeRLiFe BBS oN LiNe SiNCe 1996! / /_/__\__\____77_/__7__/\ everyNIGHTfrom22untill06hCET +381-11-8723-237 - - - -