Short:        Low-mem & complex fractal hi-color-WB-Backrop-Tile
Author:       Sadik Hafizovic
Uploader:     adeskln cip mathematik uni-wuerzburg de (Andreas Klein)
Type:         pix/back
Replaces:     pix/wb/LjaSin.lha
Architecture: generic

This is a set of Ljapunov-Diagramms (fractal like thing), which I created by
using 'LjapunovMaler', a program written by myself, which should be available
on Aminet soon.

This archive contains an enhanced version of the pattern in the LjaDrops.lha

There are versions in 16 and 64 Colors. The 16-color versions look better on Wbs
with fewer colors (16 or 32) than the 64-color versions. Versions for MagicWB-
Palett (8 colors) can be found in pix/icon soon.

Some Information for insider:

Iteration-function:        b*sin^2(x+r)
                    and one with an unsteadiness in the max
R-Sequence:                AB ;AAABBB; and some others
Stabilisations Iterations: 200
Iterations:                800
(Acenter | Bcenter):       Pi/2 * Pi/2
Width * Height:            Pi * Pi

Listing of archive 'LjaDropsIIhi.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1197     562 53.0% 26-Mar-96 18:26:54
     969     565 41.6% 13-Apr-96 18:56:54  LjaDropsIIhi/LjaDropsIIhi.readme
   12270   10436 14.9% 26-Mar-96 17:56:28  LjaDropsIIhi/Sin16.iff
   18608   16465 11.5% 26-Mar-96 17:51:42  LjaDropsIIhi/Sin64.iff
   12484   10376 16.8% 26-Mar-96 16:33:56  LjaDropsIIhi/SinDouble16.iff
   18652   16094 13.7% 26-Mar-96 17:47:24  LjaDropsIIhi/SinDouble64.iff
   18166   15233 16.1% 27-Mar-96 16:53:48  LjaDropsIIhi/SinEnhanced16.iff
   12144   10580 12.8% 26-Mar-96 17:55:48  LjaDropsIIhi/SinPoint16.iff
   18606   16762  9.9% 27-Mar-96 17:42:00  LjaDropsIIhi/SinPoint64.iff
   11800    9447 19.9% 26-Mar-96 17:55:02  LjaDropsIIhi/SinQubicrot16.iff
   17914   14931 16.6% 27-Mar-96 17:41:12  LjaDropsIIhi/SinQubicrot64.iff
   12664   11351 10.3% 26-Mar-96 18:09:26  LjaDropsIIhi/SinWild16.iff
   18988   17195  9.4% 27-Mar-96 17:43:08  LjaDropsIIhi/SinWild64.iff
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  174462  149997 14.0% 14-Apr-96 12:02:50   13 files
