Short:        Napoli Soccer Team WB Background
Author: (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Uploader:     lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         pix/back
Version:      1.3
Replaces:     pix/back/Napoli_Wb.lha
Requires:     PNG Datatype installed for windows backgrounds
Architecture: generic


 This is a set of WorkBench backgrounds for supporters of the Napoli
 Soccer Team.

 Rename the given icons to "" after having copied them to each
 partition or they won't work!
 Copy the "green.pal" to Sys:prefs/presets/ and choose it from Palette
 as default to make these icons look as they should.


 Ecco un set di sfondi per workbench e finestre dedicato ai tifosi (come me)
 del Napoli Calcio.

 Rinominate le varie icone a "" dopo averle copiate nelle partizioni
 di vostra scelta o non funzioneranno!
 Copiate inoltre il file "green.pal" a "Sys:prefs/presets/ e sceglietelo
 come  palette di default se volete far apparire le icone come dovrebbero.

 Visitate il sito ufficiale del Napoli!

    ----------->    <----------------


 1.3: Added another Background pattern.

 1.2: Added MWB Disk Icons a proper MWB palette.

 1.1: Added Background patterns.

 1.0: First Aminet Release.

Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.

============================= Archive contents =============================
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    6604    1635 75.2% 16-Nov-99 16:43:32
    6604    1607 75.6% 16-Nov-99 16:48:26
    6604    1657 74.9% 16-Nov-99 16:59:22
    6604    1857 71.8% 16-Nov-99 17:12:28
      84      72 14.2% 09-Sep-97 17:22:36 +green.pal
   75938   52967 30.2% 05-Oct-99 11:41:56  napoli.lbm
    4645    4629  0.3% 21-Oct-99 10:57:14  Napoli_pat1.png
    4694    4445  5.3% 21-Oct-99 10:59:48  Napoli_pat2.png
    2239    2221  0.8% 17-Nov-99 20:40:16  Napoli_pat3.png
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  114016   71090 37.6% 17-Nov-99 20:43:48   9 files

Operation successful.