Short:        Os3.5 Icon package
Author: (jack l. calk)
Uploader:     calkster apex2000 net (jack l  calk)
Type:         pix/gicon
Version:      1.0
Requires:     os3.5 only
Architecture: generic
Distribution: aminet

this is a icon package that I've been working on for almost two
months now and I felt like it was time to share it.
   o hmmmm........need OS3.5 for sure
   o I hope you have a gfx card of sometype so they will show right
   o at lest two meg of mem in chip or gfx card so you can see them
   o a good 800x600 screen at lest.
   o but a 3.5wb in ecs/aga 16/256 col. bench should be fine also..

   o icons wont show? make sure icon.library is in the libs:
   o icons take to long to load? add SIMPLEGELS to the end of your
     startup sequences beside loadwb    ex.-->    Loadwb SIMPLEGELS
   o icons still take to long to load? some are big and up to 4k-6k
     in size use wbcrtl.lha    add this to your startup-sequence
     c:wbctrl IMT=fast  this will move all icpn images on you fast
     mem. this fix was mentioned for os3.5 from H&P to fix the chip
     hogging os3.5 icons because of the new icon.librarys new
   o icons still, still will not load? contact me with your sys.
     config. copy of s:startup-sequence & s:user-startup and I will
     find the problem..??

more packages:

   o well if you like my icons send me a E-MAIL FOR GODSAKES It will
     drive me to make another set.
     have a idea or a picture you want in a icon let me know
     I will smack it up for you.