84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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Found 285 matching packages
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
NewIcons.lha pix/icon 888 22K 1991-10-06 generic icon Various 4 color icons - (readme)
newicons2.lha pix/icon 514 5K 1994-06-15 generic icon Various proj. & tool icons - (readme)
NewMUIButtons.lha pix/icon 302 3K 1996-07-19 generic icon Replacements for checkmarks and radio buttons in MUI. Looks better. - (readme)
NFSdiskICON.lha pix/icon 375 5K 1994-07-25 generic icon Network Disk Icon (NFS) 4-16 col - (readme)
ocsicons.lha pix/icon 308 18K 1997-02-28 generic icon Icons for the OCS (640*256) - (readme)
Olafs_Icons.lha pix/icon 389 6K 1997-07-02 generic icon Disk-,ZIP-,SyQuest-,RAMdisk-Icons in 8 std. colors - (readme)
OS20_Icns2.lha pix/icon 405 5K 1992-03-07 generic icon 20 Icons for OS 2.x - (readme)
OS20_Icons.lha pix/icon 453 20K 1992-03-07 generic icon 60 Icons for OS 2.x - (readme)
os2icons.lha pix/icon 354 5K 1992-12-18 generic icon Amiga Icons in OS2/Windows Style - (readme)
paladin.lha pix/icon 261 6K 1994-03-13 generic icon An AD&D Type HiRes Mouse Pointer - (readme)
parneticons.lha pix/icon 358 3K 1995-02-23 generic icon Some Icons for ParNet for normal (not Magic) Workbench. - (readme)
PATZ-MWBIcons.lha 1 pix/icon 420 184K 1995-12-16 generic icon MagicWB icon set by PATZ - (readme)
PATZ-MWBIcons2.lha 1 pix/icon 385 64K 1996-01-27 generic icon More deficons and related REXX-scripts - (readme)
pa_icons.lha pix/icon 267 6K 1995-07-04 generic icon Some new icons for \"prefs\" dir -+- by PirlAGA - (readme)
pcbrushes.lha pix/icon 294 1.1M 1996-05-16 generic icon 2830 webpage GIF brushes - (readme)
pirouspecial.lha pix/icon 295 24K 1999-09-23 generic icon Fine pOS-like gadget set for Urouhack - (readme)
Pointers.lha pix/icon 385 119K 1993-12-21 generic icon Many pointers for use with 2.0 and above. - (readme)
pointer_thlon.lha pix/icon 832 1K 2007-07-27 generic icon replacement mouse pointer for Amithlon - (readme)
Pong_Icon.lha pix/icon 299 1K 1999-05-02 generic icon Icon for game/2play/Pong.lha - (readme)
PPBrush1.lha pix/icon 263 31K 1997-10-12 generic icon Collection of brush for StartMenu - (readme)
PrefsIcons.lha pix/icon 300 10K 1993-01-27 generic icon A set of 8 color icons for the 2.1/3.0 Prefs drawer - (readme)
ProlitePlus.lha pix/icon 439 748K 1999-04-06 generic icon Prolite Icons, YAM2 & DOpus images, etc! - (readme)
PygmIconsRI_G1.lha pix/icon 352 396K 2001-12-25 generic icon RomIcons Game Pack volume 1 - (readme)
PygmIconsRI_G2.lha pix/icon 342 49K 2002-10-26 generic icon RomIcons Game Pack volume 2 - (readme)
ramdiskicon.lha pix/icon 555 1K 1995-02-23 generic icon A nice icon for RamDisk, for normal (not Magic) Workbench. - (readme)
RareDiamonds.lha pix/icon 435 619K 1995-04-05 generic icon 4 or 6 color Iconset, variable palette. - (readme)
rdmicon2.lzh pix/icon 297 25K 1992-10-25 generic icon More beautiful 16 color/lace icons. - (readme)
rdmicon3.lha pix/icon 308 99K 1992-10-22 generic icon Beautiful 16 color hireslace icons. - (readme)
rdmicons.lzh pix/icon 315 96K 1992-10-25 generic icon Great 16 color/lace wb icons! GREAT! - (readme)
RexZipBrushes.lha pix/icon 258 12K 1996-06-03 generic icon Some brushes for making Zip Disk Icons - (readme)
RodIcons29.lha pix/icon 339 459K 1996-10-05 generic icon Icon Collection offering many cool Icons. :-) - (readme)
RomIcons.lha pix/icon 387 49K 1994-11-05 generic icon Magic WB Icons, V1.0 - (readme)
RomIcons9.lha pix/icon 543 336K 1995-06-03 generic icon New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/... - (readme)
RynoDocks.lha pix/icon 620 88K 1995-06-25 generic icon A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes - (readme)
RynoDocks2.lha pix/icon 452 109K 1995-12-13 generic icon A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes - (readme)
RynoDocks3.lha pix/icon 433 253K 1996-01-22 generic icon A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes - (readme)
RynoDocks4.lha pix/icon 429 103K 1996-03-21 generic icon A set of ToolManager AnimBrushes - (readme)
Sabot-Icons.lha pix/icon 268 4K 1995-04-15 generic icon 3 New Icons For Use With SABOT - (readme)
sf-icons.lha pix/icon 273 17K 1997-05-09 generic icon Science Fiction-Icons - (readme)
SIMPL.lha pix/icon 302 38K 1993-09-15 generic icon A *different* icon set - v1 - (readme)
SIPack2.lha pix/icon 336 79K 1998-05-15 generic icon The Simpsons - MagicWB IconPack#2 - (readme)
SMagicHD_Pat.lha pix/icon 374 3K 1997-03-16 generic icon SmallMagic! Cool HD icon & stone pattern! - (readme)
SmallDockBrush.lha pix/icon 303 152K 1995-08-29 generic icon Small Dockbrush Icons V1.0 for use with a ToolDock program - (readme)
SmallMWBIcons.lha pix/icon 545 3K 1996-11-20 generic icon Some HQ small MagicWB 1:1 icons (Ram,HD,Flopy,Drwer) - (readme)
smg-icons.lha 1.01 pix/icon 282 109K 2000-02-11 generic icon Sarah Michelle Gellar Icons - (readme)
SMG_PopXXX.lha pix/icon 282 20K 1997-08-16 generic icon XEN-Gradient Style MUI PopXXX Buttons - (readme)
smurfhouses.lha 0.1 pix/icon 399 532K 2006-03-06 generic icon \'Smurf Houses\' a .info iconset. (128x128, 64x64) - (readme)
smurficons.lha 1.0 pix/icon 914 2.9M 2011-07-21 generic icon SmurfIcons - icon set - (readme)
SM_20x20_Bru.lha pix/icon 311 158K 1997-12-09 generic icon StartMenu 20 X 20 pixels brushes - (readme)
SNAG_Pointers.lha pix/icon 362 58K 1990-08-12 generic icon Collection of animated pointers. - (readme)
Found 285 matching packages
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