Short:        A BRILLIANT Amiga NG pix from Indonesia!
Author: (Dan Joe Tandiman)
Uploader:     done cbn net id (Dan Joe Tandiman)
Type:         gfx/pix
Architecture: generic

This 3D rendered picture was inspired by NG concept drawings from Amiga Inc., 
Rendered on Amiga 1200/040 with Imagine and Poser (under Shapeshifter)
Touched up with TrueBrilliance and Photoshop for Layering.

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  .oooO   \    Jl.Maleo JE-8/3  \     Dan //      /
  (   )   Oooo.  (62)(21)745-7622   \  Sector 9, Bintaro  \      \\/ Joe   \
___\ (____(   )__danjoe@hotmail.com__\___J A K A R T A_____\___Tandiman_____\
    \_)    ) /