Short:        Imagine trace
Architecture: generic

Hi all you Tracers out there,

This my first pic I've uploaded to an ftp site so as you can imagine I'm dying to
know what everyone thinks. 

The pic was created on an Amiga 2000 with a 25MHz GVP 303 card and (of course)
Imagine2.0. It took 14 hours to raytrace using to lights, fog and 3 brushmaps, and
4 bumpmaps (on the wheels). Although the brushes didn't have  many colours I found
that rendering time went down if I converted them to 24bit .rgb8 pics!

Please let me know what you think of this effort (good or bad).


------------------------- #include <.signiture.h> --------------------------
Alex Craig.                             ///     CSE Student, Warwick Uni. GB
"MayTheSkyNeverFallOnYourHead!"     \\\///
             -Cheif Vitelsatistix    \XX/ AMIGA