Short:        An 8-colour X-Files logo (640x512) Great for WB
Author:       Anders Bakkevold (
Uploader:     Anders Bakkevold (andersb intercom no)
Type:         pix/misc
Architecture: generic

A 8-colour (should look good on 4-colour screens too!) X-Files logo!
It looks great as a WB backdrop!  (640x512x8)

It looks something like this (almost): 

            #      #
             #    #
              #  #
  The   F  I  L # E  S
              #  #
             #    #
            #      #

There is also a 16-colour "Magic Copper" version (comes with Magic 

I did this a long time ago, but since so many said it was cool, I 
decided to upload it to Aminet. It's PD, so you can do whatever you 
want with it!