Short:        New MagicWB2.0-style icons and stuff
Author:       Peter Moeckli
Uploader:     patz ping at (Roman Patzner)
Type:         pix/mwb
Architecture: generic

 Welcome to TimeTraveller's Magic WB Icons                      24-11-96

 New, standard size, MagicWB2.0-style Icons and other stuff.

 These are Icons in the famous MagicWB-Style and the new FWB-Style. I use
 the same colours as spreaded with FantasticWB. Please read there on on how
 to use the correct colours.

 TTIcons are CARDWARE.
 Just take a look at these icons, TM-Brushes and pictures. If you like some
 of them, feel free to use them. But in that case, you'll have to send me a
 Should I make more Icons? Are you looking for anything special? Let me know.

 I am always looking for samples (mostly from Star Trek...) in good quality

 Peter Moeckli
 Stallikonerstr. 23
 CH-8903 Birmensdorf
 SWITZERLAND (Matterhorn, Cheese, Chocolate, but NO royal family ;) )

 This is My AMIGA

    Commodore Amiga 4000/040 Desktop
    18 MB RAM, 120 MB & 1 GB IDE-HD, E-IDE-CD-ROM,
    Fastlane Z3 with 12 MB RAM, SyQuest SQ 3270S,
    CyberVision 64/4, Samsung SyncMaster 17GLsi,
    Canon BJC-610

 Active member of the W95 haters club .

 If you think, you know my  name  already, then you are right. A few months
 ago, I released the archive PetersIcons on the Aminet (Thanks, Roman). Then
 I changed my address. So, I decided to change the name of the archive, too.
 That's it.
 All Trekkers out there. Live long and prosper!