84782 packages online


Showing: ppc-morphos icongeneric icon
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Found 188 matching packages
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
ZIP_NewIcons.lha pix/nicon 424 48K 1998-09-16 generic icon ZIP-100 NewIcons converted from Macintosh - (readme)
ZipIcons.lha pix/nicon 401 154K 1993-12-27 generic icon A collection of high-quality, 16 color icons. - (readme)
ZIP100-250_NI.lha 1.1 (15-Ago-2003) pix/nicon 694 173K 2005-03-22 generic icon NewIcons for Iomega ZIP 100/250MB disks - (readme)
ZIP-NewIcons.lha pix/nicon 399 10K 1996-02-27 generic icon ZIP New Icons & Dock Brushes. - (readme)
YAMNewIcons2_4.lha 1.1 pix/nicon 418 40K 2002-08-19 generic icon Same as YAMNewIcons1.1.lha but for Toolbar.mcc V15.7 - (readme)
YAM-Folder.lha pix/nicon 278 6K 1999-05-11 generic icon NewIcons 4 YAM (new, empty, old, check) - (readme)
XenoMorph_pk01.lha pix/nicon 296 272K 2003-02-01 generic icon XenoMorph's Icons PACK I MMX - (readme)
WombleZipIcon.lha pix/nicon 259 2K 1997-06-29 generic icon NewIcon for Zip disks - (readme)
wizicons.lha pix/nicon 348 201K 1995-03-28 generic icon A set of NewIcons in a new great style - (readme)
WinIconz001.lha pix/nicon 383 2.5M 1997-11-26 generic icon Dozeyly use WB Also Beware large amounts of Icons Inside - (readme)
WCPbackdr.lha 0.2a pix/nicon 471 177K 1998-08-11 generic icon Amiga OS-themed backdrops and patterns - (readme)
V_NI.lha pix/nicon 290 4K 1996-05-19 generic icon Newicons for Voyager browser - (readme)
VWBeetleicons.lha 1.10 pix/nicon 276 23K 1998-06-09 generic icon 16 classic and 1998 Volkswagen Beetles - (readme)
VCNIcons.lha Dec\'98 pix/nicon 330 283K 1999-01-31 generic icon VC\'s NewIcons for Games - (readme)
VCIcons.lha 11-08-99 pix/nicon 592 870K 1999-08-13 generic icon NewIcons for Games, Tools & Disks... - (readme)
TurkLocaleIcon.lha pix/nicon 253 2K 1998-03-08 generic icon Turkish Locale Icons - (readme)
TrekNIcons.lha pix/nicon 278 4K 1998-01-07 generic icon Star Trek New Icons - (readme)
Treefrogicons.lha 1.00 pix/nicon 304 12K 1997-11-21 generic icon Tree frogs in 9 colors, needs NewIcons - (readme)
ToonNewIcons.lha pix/nicon 258 5K 1995-01-05 generic icon Bloom County, Calvin&Hobbes, Garfield - (readme)
tk_xicons97.lha pix/nicon 243 10K 1998-05-27 generic icon 4 disk(new)icons with x-files theme - (readme)
tk_sc2k_icons.lha pix/nicon 346 4K 1998-11-30 generic icon Newicons for SimCity2000 (standard style) - (readme)
tk_rdicon.lha pix/nicon 318 2K 1999-01-05 generic icon A cute ramdisk icon (NEWICON) - (readme)
tk_AOS4icons.lha pix/nicon 368 10K 1998-07-24 generic icon 6 disk(new)icons (AOS4 design) - (readme)
threenewicons.lha pix/nicon 245 10K 1994-12-18 generic icon Three silly newicons and a backdrop of a peeved octopus. - (readme)
Template.lha pix/nicon 299 47K 1997-05-29 generic icon Toolmanager Newicon Template And More. - (readme)
Suicide_NIcons.lha pix/nicon 259 13K 1998-05-06 generic icon Some VERRY nice icons for our cool Amy\'s... - (readme)
Suicide_Newico.lha pix/nicon 236 13K 1998-05-06 generic icon Some VERRY nice icons for our cool Amy's... - (readme)
StartMenu2_NI.lha pix/nicon 419 72K 1997-12-28 generic icon NewIcons brush and icons for StartMenu2 - (readme)
SouthParkNI.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 283 229K 1998-11-18 generic icon SouthPark NewIcons - (readme)
SJI-Paola-P3.lha pix/nicon 316 620K 1999-10-17 generic icon SadJesterIcons Paola Set Prerelease 3. - (readme)
SJI-IngridPre1.lha pix/nicon 319 198K 1999-12-31 generic icon SadJesterIcons Ingrid Set Prerelease 1. - (readme)
SJI-AuroraPre4.lha pix/nicon 410 753K 1999-12-31 generic icon SadJesterIcons Aurora Set Prerelease 4. - (readme)
SJI-Aurora-Pre.lha pix/nicon 371 654K 1999-09-06 generic icon SadJesterIcons Aurora Set Prerelease 3. More 400 Icons. - (readme)
Sens_Icons.lha pix/nicon 313 207K 2000-12-11 generic icon NewIcons for Sens. Soccer + other games - (readme)
rodeo_icons.lha pix/nicon 240 104K 1998-03-09 generic icon Rodeo Icons Bull & Bronc riding Barrel racing & Calf roping - (readme)
RoaIcons2.lha 1.1 pix/nicon 335 28K 1998-10-06 generic icon NewIcons in 4.x style (22 Newicons) - (readme)
RoaIcons.lha 2.1 pix/nicon 451 168K 1998-06-24 generic icon NewIcons in 4.x style (150 Newicons) *Final Version* - (readme)
RMIcons.lha V1.0 pix/nicon 329 86K 1998-08-24 generic icon Newicons to the 4.0 style by Richard Munn - (readme)
RIicon10.lha pix/nicon 291 69K 1999-01-09 generic icon AlotOfNewIcons for RAINBOW ISLANDS +MagicWB - (readme)
RadikalIcons.lha pix/nicon 244 29K 1997-10-15 generic icon 20 Left-Radical Icons - (readme)
R-P-G_NewIcons.lha 1.0 pix/nicon 338 403K 2000-09-01 generic icon Newicon Drawer images in RPG style. - (readme)
R-P-G_NewIcon2.lha 2.0 (Final) pix/nicon 296 499K 2001-11-11 generic icon Newicon images in the NEW, RPG style - (readme)
PygmIconsNX_G3.lha pix/nicon 964 2.0M 2005-08-05 generic icon NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) Game Pack volume 3 - (readme)
PygmIconsNX_G2.lha pix/nicon 473 486K 2002-10-26 generic icon NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) Game Pack volume 2 - (readme)
PygmIconsNX_G1.lha pix/nicon 451 1.6M 2001-12-25 generic icon NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) Game Pack volume 1 - (readme)
PygmIconsNX_D3.lha pix/nicon 768 599K 2005-08-05 generic icon NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) Demo pack volume 3 - (readme)
PygmIconsNX_D2.lha pix/nicon 485 540K 2002-11-17 generic icon NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) Demo pack volume 2 - (readme)
PygmIconsNX_D1.lha pix/nicon 383 425K 2001-11-11 generic icon NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) Demo pack volume 1 - (readme)
PygmIconsNI_G1.lha pix/nicon 502 2.9M 2001-12-25 generic icon NewIcons Game Pack volume 1 - (readme)
PygmIconsNI_D1.lha pix/nicon 381 1.2M 2001-11-11 generic icon NewIcons Demo pack volume 1 - (readme)
Found 188 matching packages
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