Short: CB-Pics #1 made with Cinema4D 4 Author: (Dennis Paulisch) Uploader: society amigascne org (Dennis Paulisch) Type: pix/trace Version: 0.00 Architecture: generic Kurz: CB-Pics #1 gemacht mit Cinema4D 4 Benötigt: Viewer with JPEG Support .-------------------------------------------------------. / \ -· [eLITE oNLY oRG] ·- ________ __________ __ \______ \_______ ____ ______\______ \ ____ _____ _/ |_ | | \_ __ \/ _ \\____ \| | _// __ \\__ \\ __\ | ` \ | \( <_> ) |_> > | \ ___/ / __ \| | /_______ /__| \____/| __/|______ /\___ >____ /__| fTP \/ |__| \/ \/ \/ _. ._ \_ sYSOP: · [sOCIETY]^rSE · _/ ! ! : aMiGA * coNSolE * mAC [o-3 dAY oNlY] : . . | A12oo/o3o/5omHz · 1,2GB HD · 1oMB RAM · aMIFTp lAtESt | ! ! : * o3 slOTs iSDN * : . * sTATIC iP : [askforit] * . | | : : `-----------------------------------------------[sOC]---' ____ / _ \ > _ </\ / <_\ \/ \_____\ \ \/ ___________________ _____ __ \_ ___ \______ \ / _ \________/ |_ ______ / \ \/| | _/ / /_\ \_ __ \ __\/ ___/ \ \___| | \/ | \ | \/| | \___ \ \______ /______ /\____|__ /__| |__| /____ > \/ \/ \/ [sOC]\/ pRoUDLY pREsENTS: ___________________ __________.__ _ _ ____ \_ ___ \______ \ \______ \__| ____ ______ __| || |_/_ | / \ \/| | _/ ______ | ___/ |/ ___\ / ___/ \ __ /| | \ \___| | \ /_____/ | | | \ \___ \___ \ | || | | | \______ /______ / |____| |__|\___ >____ > /_ ~~ _\|___| \/ \/ \/[sOC]\/ |_||_| ...-...-...-...-...-...-...--...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-... HI! Nice that you downloaded CB-Pics #1, I hope you enjoy it! First of all you need any Viewer that allow to view Jpeg! The Pics are designed on an Amiga 12oo/o3o/fPU *1oMB rAM* with MaxonCinema4D V4 Professional Candyfactory PPaint ...-...-...-...-...-...-...--...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-... Greetz goes to 4pLaY, Case, Eddy, sAINT and all the other rSE mEMBERS vISIT uS oN ...-...-...-...-...-...-...--...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-...-... The Pics are ©1999 by CBArts Support: eMail :