Short:        3D Studio 4 raytraced picture, which I consider one of my best
Author:       Maciej Gembara
Uploader:     gembara omk il pw edu pl
Type:         pix/trace
Architecture: generic

              production now. 
	      The inspiration for this one was a picture traced by Alessandro
              Tasora - orologio.gif. It was so cool that I decided to do somethin       
	      similar and I did this. The mesh consists of 60.000 polys
	      and it took 52 minutes to trace on my 486 DX4/133 MHz 12 Mb RAM.
	      (talking frankly the processor is AMD 5x86 X5 133 MHz but its
	      some kinda very fast 486 with some innovations.) 	 

>>>>>>>>>>>>  Mail me and send your comments about it.