Short:        Grab of my "fantasy" CGX PPC 1024*768x16bit AmigaOS 3.9
Author: (Luca Maraldi)
Uploader:     dormosauro tiscali it (Luca Maraldi)
Type:         pix/wb
Architecture: generic

On this pic you can see running Aweb on and Wipeout2097
in a wb window!! ;)

 My hw configuration:

  - Amiga 1200T
  - BlizzardPPC 603/240Mhz 68060/50Mhz
  - BvisionPPC
  - 130Mb Ram

 My sw configuration:

  - AmigaOS 3.9
  - CGX v4.2
  - WarpOS
To change WB aspect I used Birdie and'll surely know them....if not 
DOWNLOAD them can obviously find them on Aminet....:))

The background pic is one of the fantastic Boris Vallejo's pics!! I really lov his style!!

I think the next step to make my WB nice is to change the classic standard blu/grey 
colors, and add MagicMenu.....I'll surely do it...but I'm too lazy (I think this is the third 
day that I'm writing this readme) a good Amigan!! ;))

I'll soon put this and other grabs on my homepage, feel free to visit it at:


You'll find some information about me, Amiga (news, a very good links page and also
a lot of pics of various Amiga models), motorcycles and more.....the page is basically 
in italian language....I'm working to finish english version....anyway you don't need it
to see Amiga models or links!! :))

In particular I like very much how I did the "amiga links page", I'm trying to update it
often because I think it's very important for us amigans..:))

Don't forget to leave a comment to my guestbook, and for every question or comment
feel free to write me at my email!! Bye!! :))

                                        --- KeEp ThE fAiTh!!!!!!  ---