Short:        Sets the Pointer to the style of Gadgets
Author: ( Imre Szollosi )
Uploader:     szolim dragon klte hu ( Imre Szollosi )
Type:         util/boot
Version:      1.0
Requires:     AmigaOS 3.0, AGA
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

* $VER: MorePointer v1.0 (01.06.97)
* Advertisment:
- You use the wonderful MagicWB?
- Do you like the nice MagicUserInterface?
- You use the SysIHack option of MCP?

Then YOU NEED the MorePointer, for better-look and Gadget-style Pointers.
* What it does:
If the Pointer is Over any GadTools or System Gadgets, then
the MorePointer Sets the Pointer to the style of Gadget.