Short: Patch ColdReboot() of MorphOS Author: (Adam Waldenberg) Uploader: chaozer algonet se (Adam Waldenberg) Type: util/boot Version: 1.3 Architecture: ppc-morphos Copyright & Distribution ************************ ColdRebootPatch v1.3 Copyright © 2004 by Adam Waldenberg ColdRebootPatch is distributed as FREEWARE. This software can be freely distributed as long as no more than the nominal fee is charged to cover the time and copying costs and as long as the archive remains intact and unchanged. No commercial usage is permitted without a written permission from me. (the author) The makers of the AMINET CDs, have my permission to distribute this software on their AMINET CDs. I am not responssible for any loss of data or any damage of your software/hardware. Use it at your own risk! Introduction ************ This little application patches the ColdReboot() function in exec. It brings up a requester with a ticking timeout when you press CTRL-LCMD-RCMD (if enabled) or when an application calls the ColdReboot() function. It handles reset-handlers (as it still calls the original function once resetting) and it can be configured by passing argumnents to it via a shell or by configuring the tooltypes in the icon. It is possible to enable "patching" of the keyboard-reset and also change the default timeout of a requester. ColdRebootPatch supports a "whitelist" that lets you disable the patch thus forcing a reboot when a certain task calls it... Applications like HDToolBox and SCSIConfig are natural candidates for this list, as they bring up their own requesters anyway. Requirements ************ MorphOS 1.4 Usage ***** The ColdRebootPatch requester has three buttons: * Reboot (With a ticking timeout) Simply reboots the machine if you press it! * Stall Stalls the application that called ColdReboot(). This is useful in many cases if there is a chance that the application might crash because ColdReboot() suddenly returns! (Most applications don't expect that, and many take for granted ColdReboot() will reboot the system). If you stall an application and want to try to resume runing it, you can send a CTRL-F signal to it. * Resume Just returns from ColdReboot() and resumes runing the application. This has actually always worked for me ... But there are most likely applications that won't like this at all. ;) The patch itself can be removed from the system by sending a CTRL-C signal to the ColdRebootPatch task. Naturally, this only works if there are no open ColdRebootPatch requesters open! Here follows a list of arguments / tooltypes that can be passed to ColdRebootPatch: -------------------------- TIMEOUT=<number> (0-32767) -------------------------- This sets the timout of the requester in seconds... The default value is 30 seconds. When the timeout expires morphos will reboot... :) -------------------------------------------------- WHITELIST=<taskname1[[|taskname2][|taskname3]...]> -------------------------------------------------- This tooltype/arg defines a whitelist. To put it short, this means that tasknames in this list that call ColdReboot() will be able to bypass the patch. Disabled by default. ------------ PATCHKBRESET ------------ Enabling this option will let ColdRebootPatch "patch" the keyboard-reset. This means you will get a litle requester if you happen to press CTRL-LCMD-RCMD. The difference here tho is that once you press the key-combo you won't be able to change your mind as once the reboot is in progress, you can't stop it. (The stall/resume buttons will be ghosted in this requester) The only benefit you get from enabling this option is that it will give you 10 extra seconds to save your stuff before the system reboots. Contact ******* This is how you contact me... Email: