AntiBorder.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
2896 |
4K |
1991-08-26 |
CLI window frame remover. V1.0 - (readme) |
AnyMEM_v14.lha |
util/boot |
1706 |
3K |
1997-10-30 |
Patch to re-direct fastmem allocations to any. - (readme) |
APatchBeta.lha |
0.2 Alpha |
util/boot |
814 |
10K |
1997-05-07 |
Speed up patch for your 68020+ Amiga - (readme) |
apm3311.lha |
33.11 |
util/boot |
706 |
16K |
1996-06-22 |
Use Picasso-II as fastram expansion - (readme) |
AppReset.lha |
util/boot |
743 |
16K |
1998-03-17 |
AppIcon-based reset utility - (readme) |
apps.lha |
3.1 |
util/boot |
606 |
250K |
1998-09-02 |
Password System for Amiga 2.04+ - (readme) |
AppVM.lha |
0.9 |
util/boot |
801 |
61K |
1994-08-16 |
System patch for true virtual memory. V0.9 - (readme) |
ArcAndMore.lha |
util/boot |
682 |
3K |
1993-02-17 |
More and Arc ARexx scripts for ToolManager. - (readme) |
ASD.lha |
util/boot |
646 |
118K |
1998-05-02 |
Amga shutdown system. Polish language only. - (readme) |
ASDG-rrd.lha |
util/boot |
899 |
21K |
1989-08-27 |
Very useful recoverable ram disk. - (readme) |
AssignMan124.lha |
util/boot |
723 |
41K |
1993-11-09 |
New version of prefs editor for assigns - (readme) |
AssignManager.lha |
1.24 |
util/boot |
1418 |
59K |
2020-12-09 |
GUI for making assigns. V1.24 - (readme) |
AssignPrefs.lha |
util/boot |
791 |
28K |
1993-08-04 |
Assign Preferences, simplifies assigning - (readme) |
AssignPrefs_OS4.lha |
1.05 |
util/boot |
1267 |
57K |
2006-11-13 |
AssignPrefs - Simplifies assigning. - (readme) |
astart.lha |
1.21 |
util/boot |
701 |
9K |
1997-09-14 |
V1.21 Allows to LoadWB with more memory. - (readme) |
astart12.lha |
1.21 |
util/boot |
739 |
1K |
1997-09-14 |
V1.21 Allows to LoadWB with more memory. - (readme) |
AStart41.lha |
4.1 |
util/boot |
724 |
76K |
1998-03-08 |
Loading WB/Opus5 with more free memory - (readme) |
AS_Patch.lha |
1.3 |
util/boot |
386 |
12K |
2024-07-28 |
Fix CPU/FPU Bug in AmigaStart - (readme) |
AS_Patch14.lha |
1.4 |
util/boot |
301 |
12K |
2025-01-24 |
Fix CPU/FPU Bug in AmigaStart - (readme) |
ATR_SysProtec.lha |
util/boot |
680 |
1.5M |
1997-09-09 |
The gigantic new Security-Standard! v1.2 german - (readme) |
AutoAddRAM.lha |
2.03 |
util/boot |
1540 |
8K |
1990-12-14 |
Add non-autoconfig memory boards. V2.03 - (readme) |
AutoCentre.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
630 |
3K |
1991-10-28 |
Centers 640 wide screens on monitor. V1.2 - (readme) |
autocli.lha |
util/boot |
712 |
36K |
1992-04-26 |
\'PopCLI\' replacement, many extras v2.17 - (readme) |
aUTOeXEc-v1.1.lha |
aUTOeXEc.baT v1.1 <14.o6.2oo1> |
util/boot |
686 |
13K |
2002-05-05 |
The best easy way to boot on 2 startup-sequence !!! - (readme) |
AutoRunner.lha |
2.0 |
util/boot |
587 |
16K |
1992-10-12 |
Executes CLI command if disk is inserted. V2.0 - (readme) |
avwm.lzh |
util/boot |
617 |
22K |
1994-09-07 |
Olvwm-like virt. workb. manager (V 0.4) - (readme) |
aws-15at.lha |
util/boot |
901 |
71K |
1996-02-27 |
Shows config during boot. - (readme) |
BackDrop12.lha |
1.2 |
util/boot |
793 |
26K |
2001-03-13 |
Force Workbench 1.3 to run in a normal window - (readme) |
BangerMenu.lha |
3.4 (29-Mar-97) |
util/boot |
608 |
86K |
1997-04-16 |
Startmenu activate CAPSLock,gfxboard-support - (readme) |
basicpw.lha |
util/boot |
634 |
84K |
1998-09-06 |
Password to protect HD - (readme) |
BBlank.lha |
util/boot |
2580 |
1K |
1992-11-15 |
Kickstart 3.0 only border blanker (no SetFunction()s!) - (readme) |
Beep.lzh |
util/boot |
745 |
12K |
1992-08-15 |
Plays any IFF 8SVX sound when screen flashes - (readme) |
BeepAManiac07.lha |
util/boot |
578 |
29K |
1995-04-12 |
Replace the System Beep for WB2 and WB3 - (readme) |
Bekuna.lha |
2.1.3 |
util/boot |
1080 |
670K |
2007-02-27 |
Welcome and remember program - (readme) |
BeSel.lha |
v0.17 (03.08.1996) |
util/boot |
838 |
10K |
1996-08-06 |
Simple boot selector, OS1.2+, v0.17 - (readme) |
BestOpenLibs.lha |
util/boot |
827 |
1K |
2001-12-06 |
Enhance Open Functions - (readme) |
BetterOpenLibs.lha |
util/boot |
822 |
2K |
1997-03-04 |
Enhances OpenLibrary features - (readme) |
bics.lha |
util/boot |
804 |
32K |
1992-03-22 |
Boot Intro Construction Set v1.10 - (readme) |
BindMonitors10.lha |
1.0 |
util/boot |
923 |
2K |
1997-09-08 |
Optimized monitors loading program - (readme) |
bindnames.lha |
util/boot |
679 |
23K |
1994-08-18 |
V3.71 Now with \"AutoMount\"! - (readme) |
BindNamesII.lha |
1.3 |
util/boot |
590 |
26K |
1995-09-18 |
Handles assings etc., in startup. V1.3 - (readme) |
BindPathes.lha |
util/boot |
574 |
6K |
1996-09-12 |
Create all the search pathes in one command - (readme) |
birds.lha |
1 |
util/boot |
579 |
114K |
2002-05-05 |
Your in the forest with your miggy. - (readme) |
BKick11.lha |
util/boot |
1342 |
3K |
1996-08-15 |
Loads kickstart into Blizzard\'s MapROM - (readme) |
BK_IntAckFix.lha |
0.1 |
util/boot |
2232 |
16K |
2007-12-03 |
BlizKick module:fix interrupt acknowledge - (readme) |
bk_noide.lha |
util/boot |
1129 |
2K |
1997-01-05 |
BlizKick-Module: Disables IDE-interface - (readme) |
bk_rangercheck.lha |
util/boot |
1088 |
8K |
2017-08-24 |
Replace exec.library's RangerMem check - (readme) |
BK_RemPPCLib.lha |
util/boot |
1206 |
1K |
1999-05-07 |
BlizKick-Module: Disables ppc.library - (readme) |
BK_ResetCard.lha |
util/boot |
2308 |
2K |
2001-12-18 |
CardReset in form of module for BlizKick - (readme) |
BlackborderV11.lha |
util/boot |
1372 |
1K |
1995-12-11 |
Blank screenborder at bootup - (readme) |