Short:        Converts HTML to AmigaGuide. Whole directory trees.
Author:       Halef of Sun Queen (
Uploader:     xpolansk fi muni cz
Type:         util/conv
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Replace:      HTML2Guide-1.1.Lha
Date:         04.03.1999


	HTML-2-amigaguide   whole-directory-path [-ignoreinner] [-quiet]

	o Any AMIGA 
	o reqtools.library, amos.library and command list
		They are all included in download, so don't bother.
		I guess you have all of these anyway.

	It will convert all files in directory and subdirectories
	ending in .html or .htm. All relative links in html documents
	will be accessible also in guide documents. Guide documents
	will be created in the same folders as html. You should access
	only guides placed DIRECTLY in directory, not in its subdirec-
	tories (links would not work propperly).
	   This version contains conversion of links inside one document.
	This is done by spliting html page to nodes. If youd don't like this
	behaviour, use option -ignoreinner. The behaviour will then be the
	same as version 1.0.
	   And for convenience, -quiet option has been added. No output
	window will be opened, when this option is used.

	If you have some html page which is converted the way you really
	don't like or some page causes an error, please send me the page.
	You should be aware that only text parts of html are converted,
	there's no simple way of getting text from pictures. Email is
	listed in Uploader: field.

	Work:text/nicemanual/	is whole path
	nicemanual/		is NOT whole path
	HTML-2-AmigaGuide `cd`		<- write this in shell to convert
					   current directory
	Although this program was written in AMOSPro, it is really fast and
	features only intuition GUI!
	If you are interested or want to enhance the convertor, I'll send
	you a AMOS source of it.
	1.0	first release

	1.1	the conversion of inner links added, options -ignoreinner
		and -quiet added.

	1.2	bugfix release. Small bug with skipping some space fixed.
		Big bug with file limitation (100 KB) removed. Now any size
		of files is allowed.