Short: Experimental Middle English Accent Author: Uploader: mbarlow pacific telebyte net Type: util/libs Version: 0.7 Requires: Translator43.0 (See Tran43pch.lha) Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Aminet This is an experimental, generalized Middle English accent. It represents English as pronounced before the "Great Vowel Shift" with trilled Rs and guttural gh sound. It is based on the brief description of Middle English in "A History of the English Language" by Albert C. Baugh. This accent has been optimized with Narrator 37.7 and requires Translator43. A sample Middle English text, a fragment of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, is included. "3" represents the Middle English character "yogh". Installation Copy or move the chaucer.accent file to the Locale:accents directory. (which should also be SYS:Locale/accents directory or the HD0:Locale/accents directory.) M. L. Barlow Silverdale, WA