Short:        Electricity+water consumption monitor
Author: (Marko Raina)
Uploader:     marko raina fimnet fi (Marko Raina)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.1
Replaces:     util/misc/elmeter.lha
Requires:     OS 4.0
Architecture: ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0

ElMeter is a freeware program to monitor one's household
electricity and water consumption. The program is developed
for the Finnish way of measuring the consumption in kWhs and
cubic meters, respectively. The source is included as an
example of OS4/Reaction programming.

Version history
v1.1   16-Oct-07
    - changed the whole printing system to print in graphic form
      because AOS doesn't support mixed graphic and text printing well
    - added a MONOFONT/K argument for printing the tables - note-
      doesn't actually check if monospaced
    - added iconify gadget and menu item, updated catalogs accordingly
    - enchanced string handling     
    - added support for AmiUpdate

v1.0    24-Aug-2005
    - initial release