Short:        Another file finder utility
Author:       Olivier Martin,
Uploader:     Olivier Martin, voltigeur worldonline ch
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.1
Requires:     Amiga OS 3.5+, 68020
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Distribution: freeware

This is another file finder utility. Still very basic,
but I expect to add more features in the future. Any
idea or bug report should be sent to my e-mail (see
uploader or author line).

Due to some strange bug, Retriever is only in english.

GUI built with Emperor (aminet:dev/c).

New in 1.1: - a nasty bug when adding files in the list 

            - the list was also saved to ram: (that was
              for debugging purpose), removed.

            - now you can search by names, date and size.