Short:        Fast copy (supports renaming in 8+3 format) KS3.0+
Author: (Matteo Beccati)
Uploader:     ciaccia writeme com (Matteo Beccati)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      39.8
Requires:     OS 3.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Requires KickStart 3.0+.

WinCopy is a Shell command to copy files into a directory. Moreover WinCopy is
localized and has a useful feature: it can convert destination file names in
MS-DOS 8+3 format and create a batch file to be run on Windows 95 to restore
the original file names.
It can be used with Directory Opus (set DOPUS switch on).



 FROM:   * Source file(s). Suppors wildcards;
 TO:     * Destination directory;
 ALL:      Creates subdirectories and copies thier contents too;
 QUIET:    Doesn't print output;
 BUFFER:   Buffer Size. Default is 64Kbytes. If 0 the whole file is copied to
           memory the to destination directory;
 CLONE:    Copies all attributes (comment, date, etc...);
 DATES:    Copies the creation date of the files;
 NOPRO:    Doesn't copy protection bits;
 COM:      Copies file comment;
 OWNER:    Copies owner bits (if supported by filesystem);
 NOREQ:    Skips requester if device not mounted;
 WIN95:    Renames files in MS-DOS format and creates batch file "RENAME.BAT"
           in destination dir (if destination dir is on a CrossDOS device
           WIN95 is automatically anabled).
 NOWIN95:  Disables WIN95 on CrossDOS devices too.
 DOPUS:    Enable it if used with Directory Opus.


You can abort copy of current file with CTRL-D and abort the whole copy
with CTRL-C.

You can create a global variable ('ENV:WinCopy.prefs') to set the default values
of BUFFER, WIN95 and NOWIN95.


 SetENV WinCopy.prefs "BUFFER=1048576"     ; use 1MB buffer

 SetENV WinCopy.prefs "BUFFER=0 NOWIN95"   ; defaults to dynamic buffer
                                             and NOWIN95

 Copy ENV:WinCopy.prefs ENVARC:            ; saves prefs to disk

*** THANKS TO: ***

- Stefano Pucino for the german translation of catalog and readme.


- Version 39.8: German catalog and readme added.

- Version 39.7: Removed debug output (Oops... :-).

- Version 39.6: WIN95 and NOWIN95 options now added in prefs file. First
                release on Aminet.

- Version 39.5: Default options definable (only buffer size).

- Version 39.4: Automatic enabling of WIN95 option when used with CrossDos

- Version 39.3: Not released.

- Version 39.2: First release.