Short:        shapng - sha256 of file to PNG-image
Author:       Rupert Hausberger <>
Uploader:     Rupert Hausberger <natmeg gmx net>
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.1
Replaces:     util/misc/shapng.lha
Architecture: ppc-morphos

  "shapng" is a tool to convert a sha256-sum, gained from a string or file,
  into a 16x16 png-image. This image can be read visualy by mobile phones
  or other robots.

  How does it work
  First, a sha256-sum is generated from the input. Then, this sum is converted
  into a array of 256 bits and converted more into a 16x16 bit-box. The first
  bit is assigned to the top-left and the last to the right-bottom.

  It it READ horizontaly, from left to right and line by line.

  - MorphOS 1.x

  Copy the executable to C:

  "shapng" does only work from a shell.


  NAME/A          - Filename or string for input.
                    If the string is a filename, it is handled as file,
                    else as string. (Mandatory)

  TO              - Output file.
                    If blank, "PROGDIR:<NAME/A>.sha.png" is created. (Optional)

  S=SIZE/N        - Size of the blocks in gfx.
                    Defaults to 4. (Optional)

  FG=FORGROUND/N  - Forground color as hex-number in the format 0x<RR><GG><BB>.
                    Defaults to 0x000000. (Optional)

  BG=BACKGROUND/N - Background color as hex-number in the format 0x<RR><GG><BB>.
                    Defaults to 0xffffff. (Optional)

  PS=PRINTSUM/S   - Also print the sha-sum to stdout.
                    Defaults to false. (Optional)

  shapng "Hello World" ram:icon.png"   - creates "ram:icon.png" from the string.
  shapng shapng.readme                 - creates "shapng.readme.sha.png" in PROGDIR.
  shapng shapng.readme SIZE 10         - increase gfx-blocksize to 10.

  ©2005-2012 Rupert Hausberger <>

  GPL. Please refer to the file COPYING for details.

  Please refer to the file ChangeLog for details.