Short:        Automatically launch WHDLoad installs
Author: (Martin Atkins)
Uploader:     mart degeneration co uk (Martin Atkins)
Type:         util/misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is a very thin wrapper around WHDLoad (which must also be installed) that
searches in the current directory for a Workbench icon whose default tool is
WHDLoad and then executes WHDLoad with that icon.

The author uses this in a small FFS hard disk image designed to be used as boot
media in an emulated DH0: in conjunction with a second disk image in DH1: that
contains a single WHDLoad in its root directory. The boot disk contains
WHDAutoload and WHDLoad in C:, kickstart images in DEVS:Kickstarts, and an
S:startup-sequence like the following:

    cd DH1:

This is then just a convenience for launching WHDLoad installs easily in
emulators and FPGA-based reproductions of Amiga hardware, without first booting
into Workbench and launching manually from an icon. It expects to find WHDLoad
in C: or in some other directory listed in the current command path.

WHDAutoload is intended to work with the typical directory structure resulting
from an WHDLoad install, which has in its root directory a Workbench icon
whose default tool is WHDLoad and whose tooltypes include the local WHDLoad
configuration to use. This avoids the need to include any additional files
on a per-install basis, to allow constructing a generic boot disk that can
(in theory, at least) boot into any WHDLoad install.

Source code is included in case you want to tweak its behavior to suit other