Short:        Creates sample-lists for octamed V1.0
Author: (Andreas Schumm)
Uploader:     gh0st t-online de (Andreas Schumm)
Type:         util/rexx
Version:      v1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is just a small Arexx-script for quick sample-list creation.


verry easy, copy MedTool.rexx to your rexx:-directory


1.choice "execte command" in worbench-pulldown-menue
2.enter RX medtool
3.choice the name for a new sample-list (med_path is usefull)
  WARNING: if you choice an existing file, it will be overwrite !
4.choice the path with your samples

5.MedTool will now catalog all files in this path an all subdirectorys

6.thats all you can now use this new list with octamed


-med,octamed or octamed soundstudio

$VER: MedTool.readme V1.0 (25.08.97)