Short: Clipboard Viewer Author: Robin <> Uploader: Robin <robin amiganiac de> Type: util/rexx Version: 0.1 Requires: MUI,MUIRexx,Rexxtricks.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a small tool for viewing clipboard. Installation: Copy readclip.rexx Rexx: Usage: rx readclip.rexx Displays the current clipoard content. (Only text!) Window: NEXT view next PREV view last SAVE save text Config: ENVARC:readclip.prefs Line 1:Basename for storage messages (Only displayed messages are stored) Line 2:Max count for stored messages Line 3:Next number for message Arexxport: READCLIP.1 (Messageport , use this for commands) READCLIP (MUIRexx Window, ignore this one) Arexx: NEXT,PREV,SAVE,SHOW,HIDE,QUIT (upper case!) Public Domain - Use at your own risk ... !!! You can overwrite important files with this tool. Pay attention where you save the messages.