Short:        Arexx script to get CompuServe UKNews.
Author:       Les Hewitt
Uploader:     les hewitt manymore net
Type:         util/rexx
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This Arexx script is for CompuServe's AutoPilot Program.
It calls CompuServe and then does a 'GO UKNews' and collects all of the news 
stories at one time saving online time.

Before I wrote this script I used to go and look at the UKNews list while 
online and then capture each news story that seemed to be interesting, one at 
a time. This often took quit a long time, so I wrote this script to capture 
all the UKNews at once.
Even though there can be sometimes over 150 stories and some are repeated 
(same story written differently), it's still seems quicker and less fuss to 
get the UKNews with this script.

This part of the script, you may want to change:  
/* ==================  Variables ================= */

CaptureFile = 'RAM:UKNews'
NumberOfStories = 200

If there are less than 200 stories it quits too. It gets the message that the 
story number it asked for is an invalid choice, there is then a pause for 
about 10 seconds then the script finishes.
200 stories is enough to get all of the UKNews but you may want to make this 
less if you only want the most resent news.

I timed how long 130 stories takes and it took 5 minutes and 10 seconds to 
capture at 14400 baud.

At the moment I live in Germany and reading the UKNews is much cheaper than 
buying British news papers over here.

The only bug I've found:
If you start the script and for some reason you don't get through to 
CompuServe, don't start the script again or everything will be done twice. 
The next time click the 'GO Online' button and the script will still go and 
get the UKNews for you.