Short:        AREXX Script Management System (Uses Opus5)
Uploader:     dfreeman icecave apana org au
Type:         util/rexx
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

This is the development environment that I use for writing AREXX scripts.
When setup from Directory Opus v5.11 (it doesn't really need DO5 but
automates things significantly better) this system lets you automatically
increment the AmigaDOS version string in accordance with current Style
Guide practices.  It will also let you create a new AREXX script in it's
own directory with a valid AmigaDOS version string in a 'shell' AREXX
script ready for you to add your own code.

Included is the 'shell' AREXX script that I use when developing a new AREXX
script.  It includes limited error handling and a few other items that I
find usefull in terms of layout and function.

I have also included information on how to setup the whole package in
Directory Opus v5.11.

This is v1.16, an update to v1.11.

Fixed a few bugs and added a few new features.