Short:        restore floppy disk images with one click!
Author:       megacz
Uploader:     megacz (megacz usa com)
Type:         util/rexx
Version:      1.0
Architecture: generic
Distribution: Aminet


MADF is kinda 'explorer' for ur .ADF images, i wrote it coz i needed
something very easy to use, i was bored of typing all this stuff in sh.
in order to get image transferred to a real floppy. Now! If u got a lot
of .ADFs in one directory and/or in subs of that directory u can just
generate .GUIDE that has 'write' button for each image, not worrying
about the proggy and its shell args, just click, wait about 45 secs and
start up that thingy u were waiting for on yer A500. =D

MADF uses power of both, ARexx and AmigaGuide!
MADF supports: .ADF(901120),.ADZ,.DMS

mADFloppy by megacz2k6(