Short:        Gurus2000 shows infos about Gurus (Italiano)
Author: (Heiko Gyrok)
Uploader:     heiko gyrok gmx de (Heiko Gyrok)
Type:         util/wb
Version:      Gurus2000 21.08 (16.08.2002)
Replaces:     Gurus2000_Ita.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

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-------- I t a l i a n o --------    #####  ###   ###   ###

- Did your machine just crash ?!
- No idea what happened ?
- Then you better use Gurus2000 now !

In this file you are about to find all collected work of the tricky Gurus...

The Features:  - Infos about 428 Gurus/Alerts
               - Complete schedule with printeroption
               - Instruction

This is an must for each of you who did not know anything about Gurus, but
would like to know more about it, why his "girlfriend" just crashed.