Short:        Sort and cleanup your icons better than WB
Author:  (
Uploader:     ai036 rz tu-ilmenau de  (Falk Zuehlsdorff)
Type:         util/wb
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

The author is a foundation member of the "Amiga Zentrum Thueringen e.V."

IconZ (V1.0/V1.1)

What is IconZ ?

 IconZ is a simple program which sorts icons from a directory and saves there new positions.
 It works with a better quality than the original "Clean Up" from Workbench-Menu. IconZ puts
 the directory icons above the program icons / project icons. You can define the number of
 columns and the pixel between the icons.

Different versions:

 V1.0 (29.07.97): - for Standard-WB-Icons
 V1.1 (02.08.97): - for NewIcons (NewIcons can be mixed with Standard-WB-Icons...)