Short:        Program launcher, screenblanker and more
Author:       amipuzas
Uploader:     xufle vodafone es
Type:         util/wb
Version:      0.3
Requires:     AmigaOS RTG
Architecture: m68k-amigaos


- Icon launch bar
- Customizable
- Skinable (6 skins included)
- 3 included catalog files (catalan, spanish, english)
- Text under icons
- Selectable color text
- Work with Dockies, (images around 300 included)
- Sound support on click mouse over icon
- Animated icon on mouse over
- Added 1 nice screen blanker, more blankers soon
- Added jukebox, you can listen your mp3 files when you 
  startsyour computer automatically, iconlauncher will play
  your songs randomly.
- Nice looking mp3 information screen. (No id3 read yet)
- A lot more of new dockies, now in lila style XD
- Aros, Amiga OS 4, MorphOS, WarpOS and amiga OS 68k executables


- Copy the program in your hard disk and launch it
- Inside the wbstartup drawer you have a file to autoboot
  iconlauncher everytime your OS boot, you need edit it
  manually, is only 1 line with the program location.
- Right mouse over the icons to edit it, or change the
  global preferences.
- Press the + button on the launchbar to add more icons
- Exit from the program with ctrl+c

well if you can make some nice dockies or skins or new 
catalogs, upload it to aminet please XD


more new features sooooon. XD

Please report about it. to: