Short: Dead or Precise demo by The Trackers. Author: The Trackers Uploader: fintaeph io org (Chris Poirier) Type: demo/mega Architecture: m68k-amigaos Filename: dop-tfp.dms Size: 281194 bytes This is the Dead or Precise demo by The Trackers. Nothing major. Decent font-work. Note to NTSC users: Although it appears to work fine in NTSC mode, I would recommend PALbooting this demo as the gfx look a little glitchy otherwise. Also when you do PALboot the stupid viruschecker bootblock on this disk will report a virus. Ignore it. It is just your palboot program. Disclaimer: I am not associated with any group, bbs, or person named within this archive. Any problems or comments about this or anything else should be directed to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Tabor Wells|"All those moments will be lost in time| | #include <disclaimer.h> | like tears in rain. Time to die." | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------