Short:        MELLOW - RICKTRO demo (HD version)
Author:       pk (Paul K)
Uploader:     pk sanana com (Paul K)
Type:         demo/misc
Version:      1.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 1.3
Distribution: Aminet


Released at the 1991 Amiga/C64 Party in the Netherlands.

The idea of this demo was born in 1991. During the summer holiday
the rough concept was worked out including 80% of the pixel graphics
and animation. Thanks to Core Design and Firebird!

Tested on A500/512k/512k and A1200/Blizzard030@50/32MB

Thanks Berry, Ikilledher and Infant for the 1991 Party.

Done by: RAYON^MLW


1.0 : 16 November 2013
MELLOW - RICKTRO demo released on 1991 Party in the Netherlands.