Short:        Musicpack - April 2021
Author:       Void
Uploader:     Puni/Void (punivoid protonmail com)
Type:         demo/sound
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

                _____               _____
           .___\   (  * V O I D *  )   //___.
           |      .____                      |
        _ __ _____|    _ __/ __   _ __/   |
         \_\    |     /    \ _)_.___  \  |
           .          / |        |_ /     __ _
           |   ______/________/__ '/______//_//
           |                  yop /         .
           |                                 |
           |      PRESENTS VOLUME 10 OF      |
           |___         FEEDBACK          ___|
           `  //_________________________\  '

Requires an AGA Amiga with 4 MB of Fast-RAM and a HDD.

Released at Revision Online 2021.


Unpack the .LHA archive to your HDD and run the .EXE.
The music disk will then load up.