Short:        Music Disk by VORTEX
Author:       Vortex (
Uploader:     stunner ruhrnet com
Type:         demo/sound
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

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           v  o  r  t  e  x    _   _ __ ____/    \____ _  _  _

            is back with the music disk called WISHKAH


                code :........................DAVE

                gfx  :...........SUBBASS & DaFREAK

                music:..............PLUG & STUNNER

           Greetings fly out to the following groups:

          Apathy - Darkage - Nah-Kolor - Specter - Void

       and of course to all other Amiga based scene groups

                      SPECIAL GREETING TO:


               release date:.............11.01.2001

            VORTEX - Don`t be afraid, we are the best !